Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 30

Popular Woodworking 2008-10 № 171, страница 30

Table Saws

by Marc Adams

It is estimated that nearly 80 percent of all woodworking requires some type of sawing. The power, accuracy and control of the table saw has nude the process of sawing wood a lot more productive and a lot k*ss physical. It's arguable as to who first invented the circular saw. but one thing is certain -it has revolutionized our craft. I've often wondered if plywood as we kitow it today would have ever been invented if we didn't have a way to productively cut it. I also think about the skill shifts of the traditional apprenticeships. At one time it took years of practice and great skill to haitdsaw wood accurately. The table saw changed that process to an almost rudimentary procedure.

Tabk* saws can make myriad cuts iiK'luding rip cuts, crosscuts, coves, mouldings, dados, kerfs, rabbets, miters and bevels. It is a precision-cutting tool that requires that the machine be set up

On guanL If you faimM do mi opcratMi uilhoul the stock £HMd iv an (Jfcrthr shop-imdf oite, )\ii should itse arWiir rjuv/wie.

A Better Way to WorkC Part 7