Popular Woodworking 2009-06 № 176, страница 39Smooth tktsure. A W on (/*• bottom edge of the drasser front albsvs the front to seat to the use. There's no bump jgjtnst Oh• dhider and the drjswr ride» up the bewi to close fully. place the inside of your drawer front against the jointer fence. then run a short length alongthat edge. The blades remove the pencil lines to show the exact cut. Make depth adjustments to gain the necessary bevel, then run each drawer front. Assemble yourdrawers with glue at each joint, square the boxes, then set them aside while the glue dries. Afterward, sand the outside of each drawer box and make sua* to knock off any sharp edges. Thedrawer bottomsarc solid wood with the grain runningside tosidc.expansion is pudtcd to i he hoc k of t he d rawer. i Ik front and side edges are beveled to ride in the grooves and a single slot is cut at the back edge that's even with the inside face of the drawer back. A nail is driven through that slot and into the drawer back to hold the bottom in position. A Slip-simple Door The size of the door for the huntboard is rat her small. Win le you could build t he dtx« with traditional mortise-and-tenon joinry. the size allows for a simpler method. A slip joint, or open mortise and tenon, is a quirk joint I hat'scut at atahlc sawwithatenonng jig. And the joint is plenty strong Begin by cutttnga raised-panel groove into the rails and stiles. Raise the Made to V and set your fence 'A* from the blade. Make one pass with the face against the fence, th.ii a second wit h t he opposite face t ight to t tie fence. The finished groove is now centend in your material. (A first cut directly in the middle of each piece'sinncrcdgecliminaies the possibility of a small sliver remainingif your stock is slightly thicker than %*.) The next step is tocreate the tenons on the rails. Set the blade height to 'A* and move your fence so there is 1 V«" between it and the left-hand side of the blade (the widthof the st lies). Use your miter gauge to guide the pieces as shown in the photo on the next page. Cut both endsof both rails. To form the tenon, raise the blade to match the previouscut (I'A')and adjust the tooth of your blade to just remove the outer section, leaving the middle section intact. Four exits per rail and you've got half the joint made. The mon ise pon ion of a slip joint is based on the tenons. Youll have one setup, but youll work at two different blade heights. Adjust the blade's height to match one of the rail's tenons - in this project that height is 1 'A' lor the top rail.or 1 'A* for the lower rail -and set the fence sothc cut is just insidethc groove as shown on the next page. Make two passes per mortise, reversing the stile as you work. Cut the two lop ends of the stiles, then adjust the blade to the second height to wrap up the mortises. When complete, the door frame slips together at the corners (pkntyofgluearea) and is sized (or the raised panel portion of the door. Classic Huntlxxird
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