Popular Woodworking 2009-06 № 176, страница 59

Popular Woodworking 2009-06 № 176, страница 59

Flexner on Finishi\g

Choosing a Finish for Color

Different finishes look different on different species.

I here arc many reasons tochooseonc finish over,mo< her Usually the nvst important is for protect ton and durabdity-how well a finish protects the wood from moisture and how resistant the finish is to beingdamaged by coarse objects, heat and solvents.

Other significant factors include drying

time (you don't want a fast-drying finish If you're brushing) and odor (some finishes have a less irritat ingaroma than others).

Therc'salso color. FinishcsdifTcrincolor. or the amount of color, they add to wood. For example, clear paste wax adds the least amount of color and the least amount of darkcningtowood.Waxaddsalittlc shine, but otherwise leaves the wood looking very ckwetonatur.il.

Water-based finishes don't add color either, but t hey do darken t he wood not icc-ably. The lack of color can be an advantage on "white* woods such as maple or ash or a disadvantage on datker woods, nuking them kwk "washed out."

Nitrocellulose lacquer and blonde or ckarshcllac add a slight ycllow/orangc tint to wood. But not nearly as much as does orange or amber shellac. (Shellac in flake form is usually labeled blonde and orange. In prepackaged liquid form the equivalent to blonde is'ckar" or "ScalCoat." The equivalent to orange is "amber.*)

Oil-based varnish, including poly ure-thane varnish, and boikd linseed oil add a darker yellow/orange tint than lacquer or blondc/ckarshellac. More significantly, varnish and oil continue to darken as they age - boiled linseed oil considerably mote than varnish.

Mixtures of varnish and oil. often sold as "Danish Oil." fall in between varnish and oil in their tendency to darken depending on the ratio of each that is Included.

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Seven finishers on maple. Top tow (torn left: ■mfinished. clear paste » a». water-based finish nitroielkiknv lacqver. Bottom row from Ml:ilear/blonde shettac. am6cr*>ran),v shellac, poly unihane varnoh. boded linseed oH.

Seven finishes on oak. lop row from left: uolinished. clear paste wax. water based finish, nitrocrllulosi' lacquer. Ilottom row from Mf.clear/blonde shellac, ambrr/nrange diettae, polyiuethane varnish, boiled linseed oH.