92, страница 3

92, страница 3

In the past, ShcpSotaf hcs featured a number of different ways to help make your shop better org<inized. Typically; this involved Some sort of shop-biult cabinet system. Tlv ixtly downside to >:mking o complete set of your own cabinets is. it fan be ;> bit timc-conSUming.

So tliis time we took a different appnwh by starting with eaj»y-to-assemble, nuuiukictuied storage cabinets. Then we designed a few cut-torn options to make the cabinets work even better. For starters, we built easy-acccss, under-counter tool cubbifs, a space-saving flip-up workbench, and overhead lighting Finally, we applied a sharp-looking.. two-lone piint finish for protection.

The best thing about this project is you have lots of options, so you can easily make it fit your shop spate arid your needs. l*or more on creating your own one wall workshop, Lv sure to check i Hit the article beginning on page 16.

StopNotSS This symbol, lets yoc <ncv.' there's if ere itilor-


mafion available orline at www.ShopNotes.com

bards-on technfcpjo

Working with Dimensional Lumber_

rrc<;~! lumbar,'arc) to your next project — n«rf?'s tew to ger y.e most cct pf dirri&ris&iM! lumber.

in the shop

Pre-Fab Shop Cabinets_40

Inetpetisifar. ptinuff&hirab shop csbinofS tear? msHe organizing'yaw shop a breeze

setting up shop

7 Must-Have Table Saw Accessories_42

Wn'K saler. faster, and more accutaleiy. ifrhh these handy. siicp-puni itgs and apeesson'es. mastering the table saw

Snug-Fitting Tenons_46-

A danc ftiadfc s.np Jffc right technique are all >/v\: need to eul perfect-Wing tenons every

great gear

Miter Saw Accessories

Get better results and impmned accuracy (row ypiit miter s\w itrffj those great uorjranes


Sources _51
