92, страница 5S^Notes Issue 92 Mar/Apr. 2007 publisher DTWl.1 P. f«w<« EDITOR Ta p,'J. 5UO i -HI managing EDITOR KiyW WfciVi C0N1WWTWG EDITOR Vfjiucnt Artm ASSOCIATE EDITORS -M -I IVr. V. fcife ASSISTANT 10II0RS VoiJshrssr. M--:h Hnftec. Sandal A. Vi'Kt, Ceimb -\tkrt, EXECUTIVE ART DIRtClOfl foCdUirhrft ART OlflECTOR Ccr, Ctni-.tcni.i-SENIOAGRAPHIC OCSWNER dmirOwiro senior illustrator kcge'reiatd illustrators k^lv-n y ). j i-.'ii GRAPHIC 0ESJ6N INTERNS Si.-.l:-y :r»m-i Kvi: FfC.f CREATIVE IXRECTOR T-J SENIOR PROJECT DESIGNERS <*1 tAl . tell V/f-l, Clirv (ito FKOJECT oesiGNFRVeilllDfRS Mke >XO/X\ J-jhn SHOP CWFTSVEN SttoeCi.fft ^Wj^llMll s«. photografhers c r.-.jw.i rraart. d* iksflrej; associate styli diricioh McIjkki l.mrgvir electronic image spfcwust /via fttfikc VIWOGRflPHERS Ceac Rurg^jyf. t.vu H*,<» ijWiyanti'f Ttt>t*t>uJ.JO...(it. Xj».H» .'ut-.J -ft*. n» ft*** ia ■•r-y. ItiH'MBti-k.-t/UmllnlKWlff ftjiR UtoPIHIUU •:iiBTtnaiety Anjpv Km* ?iKUu*,.\Jri«l*»tx*r.»l. SiiMrV.n»:iivliaH: « :».<l!« >nr,ifei"trUnIvrrr, rmli'lrtmninf «VlH0>a>v>i,Oa(u>U Cuiiiiuif</i..r pL.ncliii; jL << A^ww t.'rrlt) m»' tf.vtt««l(f.fl<.lUi «>J ifu»Vt-.M-«:k..:iK» li PO.BuMl..-».«.<«,HrMwr ,<IK l.ifnyi". faiiliilihftiihH c l>« V.iw, l-«v mtifdtn iwncw v/rf «t(ta'.iUin »-. ... fvl Sw.;,-,-Ht. Ii>rx :,u<« JIK-. _mvw.Shppftio t c-s .en i r,_ ONLINE SUBSCRIBER SERVICES » ACCESS yjj- »::runt • CHECKona>j?jC'V'.w Kfllltsv. • TELL US f yojV.- nrj-.1 V: IV5 ► • CHANCE/) I- mill's CIH-I- <jl • RBNBW »rur stbsaiptin • PAV yo,. all Clii.cn •'•■b)b:iSc-.or r lh; l~:r lh: *H n'.jji ■cm: mx Ve-m.vc fr.nr Ail-lfr^in^j-or> !•«• :::n.rl rrur«MW <«v<■« iwh; MOW TO REACH US: v..Esr^nnMr. ADIWS? charts OROu-nGNf. •ATtrt on cai. Cu»tomw Serviw JiCO-j-md Ave . .v. Vnre,. U =01'/ aoo.333.saw s n to; p. ct Ot SENDAMI-MAL 0: ordsrsOthopnomtCOm August Home X JL • M I fc C. 1*1 lUI'Ah / Zr :iu*l III L.S.A. Nozzle Wedge The pull-up nozzle on some glue bottles helps dispose the glue and keeps it from hardening when not in use. But dried glue usually Accumulates inside the nozzle, making it hard to open the nozzle. 1 often resort to using pliers to get it open. But that tends to tear up the nozzle, eventually making it unusable. To solve this problem, f built the simple tool shown in the photo at nght to help lift up the nozzle. The tool has a &lot at one end that's sized to fit the ntuzle. If s long so you can use it as a le\-er to easily lift the m.wlc without doing any damage to it. The noz?Je liftuig tool can be qukkly built from a piece of ^i- ihick fwrdwood, Start by drilling a hole at one end ttte sunc size as. the nozzle of the bottle. Hico use your band saw to cut away the waste to form the notch. Then ait a bevel ;»t the end with die notch, as shoivn in die drawing below Finally, round over all edges of the wedge with sandpaper. Lttfn Dtfsw MffUn, Qr(%on * TOP VIEW ftfc Submit Your Tips If you have bo original shoo tip. wo would like to hear from you and consider publishing your tip in one or more of our publications. Just write down your tip and mail it to: ShopNotes, Tips for Your Shop, 2200 Grand Avenue. Das Moines. Iowa 50312. Pleas© include your name, address, and daytime phone number (in case wo have any questions). If you would like, you can FAX it to us at 515-282-6741 or simply send us an email message aC shopnotes^shopnotes.com. Wc will pay up to $200 if we publish your tip. Hie Winner! Congratulations to Stephen Ehrich of Louisville, Kentucky. His tip on making a miter clamping jig was selected as winner of the Porter-Cable router just like the one shown at the right. The jig makes it easy to clamp up a single miter joint and hold it in position until the glue dries. To find out how you could win a Porter-Cobfe router, check out the information above. Your tip just might be a winner. 5 |