92, страница 7Now. you can have the besl time-saving socrots, solutions, and techniques sent directly to your computer. Just go to www.ShopNotes.com and click on "FREE Tips by Email" to sign up. You'll rccoivo a new tip by email each week. Easy Storage Bins I've always liked Ihe old pull-Out buvt. you used to find in hardware store*. To < duplicate this look, 1 built the storage bins shown in the photo at right. The bins have ample room tor .storing bulk hardware itrms iwd keeping the parte in plain view. The pull on the front ' forms a hollow area underneath Ihe top. 1 his makes it easy to get your fingers under the pull whenever you need to slide the bin out to get at the parts. The bins ate simple to build. And you can make them longer or wider to fit your needs they're so easy to build you'll want to make a number erf them once you start. Uegin by culling the plywood pieces to width 1 used a stop block on my table saw to ensure the pieces were cut to identical lengths Next you can cut out the hard-board sides. Since I wanted to make several bins, 1 fm>t made a pattern of the sides. Then it was just a matter of using a pattern bit to trim Ihe sides to shape at the router table. 1'his way. all die sides areexaclly the same. Assembling die bins is quirk and easy too. Just apply glue to the edge.s and clamp the puts in place until the glue is dry. Now all that's left is to fill the bins with hardware. Then you tan set tltem on a shelf or ynur workbench. Your bulk hardware will always be easily accessible. Ceraid IV. Renter. Curismd, California NOTE I ALL parts ARE 0LUEP TOGETHER 6IDE (3**6 • w PACK FRONT NOTE: all rr.tr e ARC V PLYWOOO EXCEPT 6IPE6 W-tCH Quick Tips A Robert Moore oi Ornate. NF, uses an wctinaiyntobetpanel ro neip control ins curd Pn bis rvoter when ii's not in use rie sirnpiy >oops the robber band over the core and A A psed Ple cabinet provides Charles Mak oi Ca<Q*n/. Canada, with storage space for bis power toois. The tools are o'gar\izao and safely stored on' of the twin piac&s &ie other &no over ihe handle, way umi he needs to use thc<ri. vnvw.ShopN nte^com |