Woodworker's Journal 1981-5-6, страница 18



We are pleased to be introducing a new book of outstanding woodworking projects taken from the 1977 through 1979 issues of The Woodworker's Journal. Many of these projects are no longer available in back issue form...so if you missed out on our earlier issues, here's your chance to add 101 plans to your woodworking projects library.

Included are plans for an Early American dry sink, children's toys, lamps, clock cases, stereo cabinet, Shaker pieces, garden furniture, classic roll-top desk and much more. All projects are fully illustrated and have detailed, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions.

101'Projects for ^Woodworkers

a Variety of D'^V^sories

The following woodworking books are also available, directly from the publisher, Charles Scribner's Sons:

□ Woodcarving and Whittling for Everyone, by Franklin H. Gottshall. 1977. Thirty-two wood projects with patterns and instructions. 230 black and white photos. Paperback. ISBN 684-16742-5.

Suggested retail price $9.95

□ Complete Book of Furniture Repair and Rejinishing. by Ralph Parsons Kinney, edited by Family Handyman magazine, 1981. Complete information and easy-to-follow instructions for all your furniture needs. 114 black and white photos. 49 drawings. ISBN 684-16839-1. Suggested retail price $17.95

□ Cabinetmaking and Millwurk. by John L. Feirer, 1977. Furniture making manual for amateurs and professionals. with new sections on metrics and plastics. Over 2.300 illustrations. ISBN 684-14914-1.

Suggested retail price $37.50

□ The A rt of Woodworking and Furniture Appreciation. by Laszlo Katz. Comprehensive documentary of the woodworking craft from its birth in the early days of man to the present. Fully illustrated with black and white photos. ISBN 960-3830X-X.

Suggested retail price $50.00

Indicate book(s) desired and send order to: Charles Scribner's Sons. Dept. of Special Sales 597 Fifth Avenue, New York. NY 10017

□ Check or m.o. enclosed - please include $1.25 per book for shipping and handling.

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101 Projects for Woodworkers by the editors of The Woodworker's Journal is a big hardcover book published by Charles Scribner's Sons...256 pages, 66 photos, 485 drawings, now available for $22.95.

Order your copy of this fine book today. It's also a fine gift for a woodworking friend. Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Use coupon below for 101 Projects for Woodworkers only.


: The Woodworker's Journal

P.O. Box 1629, New Milford, CT 06776

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