Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-5, страница 21SAVE as much as 80% with zze Quality Power Tools made one inch from the point where both lines intersect, A sliding bevel square is held against the edge of the board and the blade is set to intersect the points as shown. Locked LAYSuT umes Uw cti St^P it Uf Fig, 4 SETTING e&VEL. S^MRE rVK \ Te> 6 AN&LE C«0 CCfyEEESj at this setting, the blade is used to scribe the angles of the pins. To save yourself the bother of going through this procedure for every project, it's helpful to make a simple template as shown in Fig. 5. f ■5C«I&N& PIN ANkiLE.5 VJITH A template. The next problem is to decide how many dovetails (and corresponding pins) are to be cut for the joint. The decision will be based on how wide the mating boards are and your personal preference as to how the pins and tails are spaced. It's customary to include half pins at each end of the joint. They are called half pins as they are flared on one side only; not because they are half the width of full pins. Half pins give the joint a balanced appearance and are used when the joint is visible but in some applications such as the backs of drawers, they are often omitted. It's a good idea to lay out the pins and tails on a piece of scrap first, to see how they look. In the case of drawers, the grooves for the drawer bottom have to be considered when planning the spacing of the tails and pins. A rule of thumb is to make the pins, at their widest point, two-thirds the thickness of the stock and the dovetails twice the width of the pins. If you are reproducing an antique, you would probably want to duplicate the dovetail spacing of the original. The first step in laying out the pins for a through joint is to scribe a line around the pin board at a distance American Machine 4 tool Co., Dep' WJ93 jib A™nut & Soring Si Please send me me units checked Payment in lull enclosed S __or $5 00 deposit each ?iem enclosed Balance COD. or charge my Can) Ho _ ngyvtfotd PA tMM „ „ „ _ ..... Beit Sander S52 00 6' Till Arbot San 552 50 Disc Sandei Attachment $17 00 Standard rip rente Sc SO Mnre Gauge lor Sander S3 50 Long Caomel Rip Fence S7 50 Jointer-Planer S63 30 Ball-tearing Spindle SI J 50 ' Ball-searing Spindle Si 5 70 12' Swing. Lame S67 75 Spindle Snapet Kit $14 JO Ball-tea una Model S?9 50 Drill Press $89 90 Eipnation Dale _ Signature_ Address_ □ Face Plate Setot 3 Chisels $11 00 Set ol 8 Turning Chisels $29 00 General Electric Motor $49 50 Iwitti othei item) 551Piirctiasefl Separately! . Name. . Slate. FANTASTIC VALUES WITH THIS COUPON! DIRECT FACTOR* OFFER ANO REVOLUTIONARY PATENTS dec easr cosls increase eiiciency full 1scale o°*« iaols ol neavv duly "CMJ casl "on and sieei Streamlined design reduces iveigni cuts material and production costs Special patents provide added ettmency actutacy. savings fcinsmaae assembled lested parked m pui own lactones shipped rtnecl END0RSED8Y AMERICA'STOP MAG-UIHES OVER 2 MILLION USERS ctnt.rm men ptecision versatility and mgged performance "10-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Any part oi oar is ol any AMT power tool ivnich become inoperative 'or any rea son *iitirn 10 years ol int purchase date win he reoaiicd oi repiactfl cy Itie factory Your only cosi lor «l"lr1 postage * • ■ t .cm! mntois id »Bicti tnt same «"■» for ;;'f year warranty JPChf S5Z tilt arbor p0WER SAW WORK OF $150 00 BENCH SAW ai easily 10 equal any S300 00 door model cabinet units' Crosscuts. rips mitres, cuLs com pound angles, dadoes makes coves and moldings 'SO ' ° b ladpry Wl 22 ICS Including hi.ri .... completely assembled cast iron and sleel B saw wilh ground casl uoo table blade guard milre gauge Less blade RIP FENCE PRECISION BALL BEARING SPIN0LE SAW sunt 50 M ' BLADE TILTS TABLE STAYS !EUFi securely ai any angiP aa to 50" Ha"" wis a Cuners etc ^01 .ntiu^Ma^fa fc^™ <°dado Swdj II desired tor eas,e. «ork i.gnmen StanaC Jf «MJL,nc'"VI fl,p FEN« lence lot tab.net base las showrii S7 50 C Si"" » » long no models costing $300 FftEE Plans aS,ou« n.PrtfJ.'.I'E IV? ao m'k "I"™' use Your W^^ 10-YEAH LIMITED WARRANTY- industrial SIZE 12 SWtNG i FT. 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RADML DR|U pRESS on All cast iron and sleel |HU I o b lattory Wl 30 lbs 1 2 capacity Jacob s chuck Included. logos trial duality precision un.i win an stanoaro leatures manyeitras Head raises, loweij Deptn ot inroat ut lo 16 Preset to any angle tor on or oh table drilling even hori;onial drilling Complete as sno*n less moior bell and moioi pulley 22 LONG. 4-18 W ™ JOINTER-PLANER Complete as shown 10D% precision ground casl iron and steel Professional power planing ai a hand lool pnee Halke Kler mp^eaccu rate 101ms 1 Bevels lor mndows aoois 5guaie W«tWless AdiiistaDie precision ground casl ,ron lable m ^ 1 a oeplh ol cul lence adiusllNB 10 any angle O n iO 3 "WOened qiouna high-speed sleel kn^ Ball Bearing Spindle $15 !B add I 10-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY" SPINDLE SHAPER KIT wnti nolddown 1*10 | o.O laclory Shipping Wl E IPs T Compieie less wood patls motor Makes treads coves moldings longue-and-groove omls etc Easy assembly plans Has sealed gieaseo tor-iile ball Bearings aiiusiahle neigh! control lence assenitily takes 1 -1 HP or larger motor Stjndud 11 bore cutreis available 10-YEAR UMItEO WARRANTY- BRAND NEW 0 otor jfr Develops a lull 1 HP New Generar Electric Motor tor use With any oower lool in tins ad Features ! 2 shall 1725 RPM US SB rl purchased with any AMT loo! I$W 55 if Our-chased separately| Covered by a one yeat limited warranty 17 tbs. t o.b factory. AMERICAN MACHINE & TOOL CO., INC., 4th Ave. & Spring St., Royerstord, PA 13468 Visit gur Riyentorg FACTORY SHOWROOM tor Mest tame low price! Jm anil Spring Sis From 9 lu J M on weekllays and 5 III II on Sit (continued on next page) |