Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-5, страница 19


clamps or wooden clamps called hand screws.

A larger clamp will be needed, however, when attaching the cross members, parts D, which give support to the top and to the shelf. These should be spaced so that they divide the framework into three equal spaces. A pipe clamp laid across the top of the front and back rails, but to one side of the cross member, will hold it until you

can drive nails through the rails (Fig. 4). Another trick would be to cut parts D last so that you can make them V» in. longer than the opening between the rails. They can then be hammered into place and nailed from the outside.

The brace (E) in the rear of the bench lends rigidity to the frame, especially when you are putting stresses on it from either end. But attaching it takes special consideration since its ends are not square. I made its length longer than need be so you could have some extra wood to work with when laying out the lines to be cut.

For cutting the brace to size, I've worked out a strategy that should be of help. First, cut one end with the saw after laying out a triangular area with the try square that measures IV* in. x 3'/i in. (See Fig. 5). Before cutting the other end, hold the brace up to the space between the legs as best you can. This way, you can see where the contact point will be where the other end of the brace and leg meet. There

(continued on next page)



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