Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-6, страница 26YES, please send me your 14 piece wood drill bil and stop collar set, II I'm not perfectly satisfied, I understand I can get a complete refund by returning my order within thirty days. □ Check or money order enclosed. (Include $2.00 for shipping and handling.}' Charge my □ VISA JAMEX L MasierCharge C Diners. Signature_ Account No_______ Exp. Date^___ 20 Backus Ave Danbury.CT 06810 Nare____ Dept. WJ D4 please print Add FBS5____________ City__________Slate_Zip____ 'Connecticut residents must include sates tax fFme rSbol ohopsj f'^SrtmwSctwiarti .President,^^ My favorite wood drill bits... and they're yours for an incredible $9.95 It's a 14 piece set. 7 professional quality drill bits and 7 matching stop collars. Advertised up to $17.95 You won't find these in hardware stores. These are brad point wood drill bits. With brad points, you make the holes exactly where you wart with no "Jumping" or "walking". Each bit has two cutting spurs with extremely sharp flutes. You get router clean holes every time with none of the splintering that happens with ordinary metal drill bits. No serious pro would drill without a stop collar when precise depth is important. In doweling, for instance, This stop collar set comes fitted with slotted locking screws for exact no-slip drilling of clean unspllntered holes. Drill bit sizes are 1/8", 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8" 7/16" and 1/2". Use for all 3/8"chucks. Call 800-243-1037 (CT call 797-0772) OR SEND COUPON TODAY Special Techniques, (Cont'd) many separate skills that when mastered will together result in a professional looking inlay job. THE ROUTER The router can either be used freehand, or with a fence or guide bushing. The simplest way to cut straight grooves for inlays is to use a straight bit equal to the inlay's width, and then set the router depth so that it will cut a recess slightly less than the thickness of the inlay. For clean, precise router cuts, hold the router fence squarely and firmly against the workpiece and guide the router with a constant steady forward motion, never pausing. When cutting border inlays, it is important to move the router around the workpiece in a counterclockwise direction, opposite to the rotation of the bit. The pulling action of the bit as it cuts through the wood will help insure that the router's fence is kept tight against the workpiece. When cutting edge inlays, move the router clockwise, around the work in the same direction as the bit (Fig. 1). Keep in mind that depending ecxse. iwlavs on the grain character of the ground, it may be necessary to disregard these general guidelines and work solely with respect to grain direction. The router may also be used to cut the recesses for decorative (sometimes called artistic or marquetry) inserts.