Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-6, страница 28


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Special Techniques, (Cont'd)

complished using a scratch stock, and/or a cutting gauge (Fig. 3). The

cutting gauge would be used to score the two sides of the groove, while a scratch stock, with the blade equal to the desired groove width, is then used to clean the groove out. The scratch stock is also used to channel inlay grooves on concave surfaces where the router is ineffective. The construction and use of the scratch stock is discussed at length in the September/ October issue Special Techniques column, Although a router is much preferred to the scratch stock, as a rule router bits are not available in sizes smaller than 1/16 in. diameter, and you will therefore need to rely on the scratch stock when inlaying delicate pin-stripe borders, A handy device to assure tight-fitting pin-stripe inlays of uniform width is to inlay the veneer on edge. Make a scratch stock blade the same width as the veneer is thick, and after the grooves are cut simply glue in strips of the veneer on edge. The veneer inlays are later sanded flush with the ground surface,


In modern times, hand inlaying is limited largely to either decorative or artistic inlays. Even when insert recesses are cut freehand with the router, the edges must still be cleaned out with hand tools. Elaborate free-style inlays naturally require extensive handwork. The key to hand inlaying is patience, sharp tools, and steady hands. The best fitting inlays are slightly undercut or beveled, so that

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