Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-1, страница 13


These tests approximate the type and degree of stress that the toys or furniture might be subjected to in normal usage. Following is a list of the most important tests and an explanation of their purpose. The various technical data used and the forces applied in the tests will depend on the age group for which the specific articles are intended. As a rule, however, these regulations apply to articles intended for use by children up to 8 years old.

IMPACT TEST — Toys must be dropped onto a hard surface (usually from between 3-5 feet), with the toy held in various random orientation positions. Large toys and furniture must be tipped over from all sides. The purpose of this test is to determine that the article is able to withstand stresses from being dropped or tipped over.

BITE TEST — All appendages or projections large enough to fit into a child's mouth are subjected to this test. A mechanical device approximating a child's bite is used to ascertain that the projection will not break off under the force of a child's bite.

TENSION TEST — Any projection that a child might grasp must be subjected to this test. A prescribed weight, equal to the force that a child might exert, is applied perpendicular to the projection. The test weight is dependent on the age group the article is intended for.

TORQUE TEST — On toys with rotating components, such as wheels, the rotating part must be subjected to a test that will measure its ability to withstand being twisted off its axle or mounting.

COMPRESSION TEST — Surfaces accessable to the child are tested for their ability to withstand pressure {such as from fingers) and not break or puncture.

Perhaps the three most important standards outlined in the regulations are the standards for identifying sharp points, sharp edges, and small parts. The sharp point and edge standards apply to articles for children up to age 8, while the small part standard applies to articles for children under 3.

Although the sharp point and edge test devices are complicated, the essence of the test is a determination of what in fact would present a danger to the child playing with or using the article. The safest way to go is to simply avoid creating sharp points or edges in the first place. When in doubt, sand off or round over the offending edge or point.

Government statistics list small objects as a major cause of death by asphyxiation to infants and children under 3. Very basically, most solid objects smaller than about 1V* in. diameter by 2Vi in. long are considered hazardous and are therefore banned for this age group. Included in the ban are detachable components and parts that may break off from larger objects during normal usage. To be on the safe side, avoid making toys with small parts for children age 3 or under.

Although the CPSC standards, test procedures and test apparatus are complex, their purpose is simple: To insure children's safety. The toys and furniture that hobbyists or craftsmen build may not be legally bound to meet federal regulations, but they should be constructed with attention to the intent and purpose of these regulations. Most of the above mentioned tests need not involve expensive technical apparatus. With a little common sense the home hobbyist should be able to approximate the various stresses outlined, and reach a determination as to a toy's safety.

For those who would rather adhere to the exact "letter" of the law, the CPSC regulations include details and diagrams of how to construct test apparatus, and how to conduct the various tests. ^J

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