Woodworker's Journal 1992-16-5, страница 30


Special Techniques


I ihen position the loolresi 90 degrees to the bed and in front of blank. I make a light shearing cut across what will become the back of the mirror. This is done with the Y» in. deep-fluted bowl gouge (Photo 13). You can also use the point of a skew to cut rings in the wood for added decoration.

Once your turning is complete, start sanding with 220 grit paper, and con tinue through 320, and 400. Finish up with 600 grit wet-or-dry. Then use steel wool to apply paste wax. and tmalls hull with a soft cloth (Photo 14).

Remove the blank from the chuck You may need to touch up (Ik- front surface with fine sandpaper .it tin tee ess rim. Then apply wax lo ihe recess interior rim and bull Wipe tin- ll.it recess bottom clean w ith a dry cloth lo remove dust. Squeeze out ,i sin.ill dab of silicone adhesive in the center of the recess ami press Ihe mirioi into pl.uc

Photo Jl

This stub fits into a like-sized hole dulled in the halves of the yo-yo (sec-Preparing and Turning ihe Yo-Yo). anil thereby serves to perfectly center the pans for turning. Check the diameter of the stub w ith one of the drilled blanks to ensure a snug fit. Leave the rim of the chuck flat and hollow slightly toward the center. This recess in the chuck will provide better holding for the vacuum. Add the gasket material around the perimeter as with the previous chuck. WiLh the stub for centering the blank, you will not be able to drill through the center as before. You w ill need to drill an angled hole through the yo-yo chuck to meet up w ith the hole through the faceplate (Fig. 2 and Photo 18). Take Ttlc Woodworker's Journal

Photo IS

tl ig and Photos 15. 16). Avoid using too much adhesive, because if it squeezes oui around the mirror, it is very difficult to remove. Set aside lor several I tours for Ihe adhesive to fully cure. Do nol use c_Nano.trivhue oi any olhci rigid selling glue lor bonding ihe mirror* in place. Use only flexible adhesive* or a special mirror mastic.

Your mirror is complete. Add a suede or fabric drawstring bag (see Sources! and you will have a greal gift. By Ihe way. substitute cork (sec Sources I loi the mirrors, and you've got coasiei instead of pocket mirrors.

Making the Yo-Yo Chuck

The chuck for turning the yo yo's vat ies slightly from the mirror chuck Start oul basically the same, with a small la ceplate and a 2 in. thick block of hard maple cut to a 3 in. to 3'/; in, diameter. Attach as before w ith sheet melal si iews and remember to spread Vaseline between the two. Rough turn lo a cylinder using a gouge, then turn down lo the exact diameter you intend to make your yo-yo's. Although I have made yo-yo's in various sizes, my production models are 2 in. lo 21/* in. in diameter

Now you will need to turn down the face of the chuck to leave only a V* in. dia. stub about 7if> in. long (Photo 17).

Photo 16

Photo 17

Photo 12