Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-3, страница 19Photo E: To create the cutting burr, draw the burnisher very lightly along the arris, once up, once back. Hold the burnisher at about 85 degrees to the scraper's face. take two very Jighi strokes, one up and one back, and that's it. Of all the things 1 learned, the "light touch" while turning the burr seems most important. 1 discovered the secret when leafing through Tage Frid's Lx>ok Tagc Ft id Teaches Woodworking: Shaping. Veneering. Finishing (Taunton Press). "Most people." I-rid wrote, as though he had been looking over my shoulder atl those years, "usually get too excited and burnish loo hard the first time they sharpen a scraper blade." As surprising as it seems, turning the burr requires just a little more pressure than that needed to keep the burnisher in contact with the arris. The edge is invisible, but can be felt—draw your finger across, rather than along it. or you'll slice your fingertips. Turning a burr on all four of the arrises on the scrapers long edges will prolong the use you get from the tool, but eventually you'll need to renew the cutting edges. I get a certain amount of mileage out of rebanishing the faces and turning a new burr—same techniques and same pressure as described above. If that doesn't suffice, lightly burnish the edge (as well as the faces), taking care not to round over the arrises. I hen turn a new burr. When you no SEEKING NEW CHALLENGES IN YOUR HOME SHOP? THEN PROJECTS IN METAL IS FOR YOU This home shop magazine is just the ticket for woodworkers who want to learn more about metalcrafts. It features small yet challenging projects, each complete in one issue. And every issue includes many helpful details on basic metalworking technique, plus tips to save you time, money, and headaches. $19.00 a year (6 issues) check or charge card. PROJECTS IN METAL. Depl. D3, P.O. Box 1810 Traverse Cily. Ml 49685. Or call 800-447-7367. Please circle ffo. // on die Render Service Card HADDONTOOL The one-size HADDON LUMBERMAKER fits all chain saws. This low-cost, 4 lb. attachment turns any chain saw into a portable saw mill and accurate cut- < ting tool. Lets you make good custom-cut lumber from logs—RIGHT WHERE THE TREE FALLS! Pays for itself with the lumber from the first tree you cut. Outperforms other products many times its size and price! If you've got a chain saw, you owe it to yourself to find out about this simple, money-saving, money-making tool. Write for free information. 4422 N. Milwaukee Ave., Dept. WWJ _Chicago. !L 60630, tel. (312) 665-8304 May/June 199? Please . in le Vn. 2-1 on llie Render Sen il e Curd 19 t« 1100 ibs 13 separate 3HP motors • 12"jointer • 12" planer • 10" table saw • 50" sliding table • 3HPshaper • mortiser __• cast iron The ftobland X31 is designed to make maximum use of minimum space idea! for the small professional shop and the demanding hobbyist Change from one tool lo another in 20 seconds or less! Solid, sturdy, reliable. CALL OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION NOW' 2061 LAGUNA CAMYQM RD.. LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 LAGUMA TOOLS 1 BOO-234-1 976 or 71 4-494-7006 |