Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-3, страница 9A NEW WAY 10 CARRY ON A FINISHINGTRADITION.The Wagner £ unuke r* _a. any finishing rine^oar method yau've ever seen before. But it can put a classic, professional finish on the woodworking projects you're doing now, right in wur own workshop. FineCoat's secret is Wagner's High-Volume, Low-ftcssure (HVLP) techrdo-tgy it allows wu kto spray with very little bounceback or over-spray You don't need a spray booth, just an =n mind and a few minutes to read jt FineCoat's advantages. W pray any finish on the shelf Ijf-r: The FineCoat can give yxt the Q j.' A type of finish >ou liad in mind, " from the start of the project. It handles urethanes, oils, varnishes, shellacs, lacquers, stains, even enamel paints. Every FineCoat unit also comes with helpful hints lor thinning and spraying different materials. Your hand has never had this much control,_ With FineCoat you can get close, without dripping, or cover large areas. The spray width adjusts from W, to a foot wide. You can also adjust FineCoat gives you a professional spray finish. Coverage is smooth and ewn over the most intricate The FineCoat unit is portable, storable, and plugs into any 120V outlet. WAGnER FineCoat ......... to a vertical, horizontal, or circular pattern, without changing nozzles. While )©ur coats are drying, the spray gun stands Vt" lb 12" Wide securely in its own unit. And when the last coat is on, check your watch. You'll most likely be done finishing and cleaning-up, in less time than you used to*~spend on the finishing process alone. To find out more about FineCoat, call 1-800-328-8251. We'll send you more information or refer you to a FineCoat dealer. I! 1 — i 3: $ l: 5! II Send for free literature or a helpful demonstration video. Check the first here bekw and Wll send you mere litnaiuivCTi H\lPsprayingarid the FineCoat sprayer. Or. check the second box and send S? to cowr postage and handling-Well send \ou the literature along with a videotape demonstrating the usage and ampliations of FineCoat □ Send me more information, free. □ ScrdrrrintbrTnaiTiandthcFlrEC^ tor S3. lEnctee a d*ck pa\abie to Wagner Spray Tech. or we'll charge it to wur MasterCard «_, or wur Visa #_.) SAME _ akjress_____ cm ... _______. StME___2Sf_ MaHii? WgntiRreCoaL irTDFptnfxailLn.. PK™uih. M\SS44? WHCnER FineCoat tow Overspray Finishing System |