Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-6, страница 67


Among Ihe hottest items in tool catalogs these days are slick aliermarkei miter fence assemblies. While these items are one of (he best add-ons we know of lor the table saw. their price can easily cxceed SKX)—a figure that makes many a penny-pinching woodworker wince.

If you've lusted after one of those great aftcrmarkcl miter fences, here's your chance lo build your own monster miter fence aL a bargain price. For just $34.95, plus a length of straight slock, you'll have a jumbo-sized miter fence, complete right dow n to the handy siiek-on measuring tape. Perhaps best of all. you needn't be a rocket scientist to build this fence or use i!.

Choose Sides

Before you order the hardware kit for your miter fence, you'll need to make an important determination: 011 what side of the blade do you intend to use the miter fence. To take best advantage of all the miter fence's capabilities, you'll want lo

Niivfinhcr/Dctembcr t'W?

consider how your blades mount on the saw arbor (Fig. I). It your Hades mount on the arbor from the right, ihen work to the left of the blade and order the righl-to-lefi reading tape If the blades mount from the left, then work lo the right of ihe blade and order the left-lo-right reading tape. Considering how lite blades mount on the saw arbor may seem like a fine point, but if you plan 10 make use of the miier fence's built-in measuring tape, and if you plan to use the jig in conjunction w ith a variety of blades and perhaps the dado head, then this pomi is important.

Why? Because by building the miter fence with respeel 10 how the blades mount on ihe arbor, the fence will always be ihe same distance from the blade, no matter what the actual blade width (this is also illustrated in Fig. 11. Therefore, your tape will always read properly. Building the jig without regard lo your saw arbor orientation would mean that the tape measure on the jig would onlv be functional with one

had in the saw when setting the original fence location on the miter gaug> And you couldn't use a dado head in conjunction with the miter fence, since any width setting of the dado head greater ihan (he 7x in. that we've stepped ihe jig end back from the blade would result in the dado head cutting into the


Hardware Kit

Since some of ihe parts on the miter fence aren't sold in the average hardware store, we've put a kit together lhai includes everything you need (see Kit Source). All you'll need to supply yourself is a straight 40 in. length of 171 in. by 27: in. stock for the fence itself (A), plus a small V-i in. by 2 in. by 37m.