Woodworker's Journal 1994-18-1, страница 39




Airborne dust is a real problem in mosi workshops. It gets ail over, and into everything, including your lungs. And. you don't need to specialize in pulmonary medicine to know that breathing wood dusl is not doing you any good.

This project helps attack the problem at the source - right where you are sanding. Use it when working with your power finishing tools, such as a belt sander. or even when hand sanding.

It also serves double-duty as an air cleaning system. When the table saw (or any other shop equipment) is churning

out lots of dust, turn on the Sanding Center and il will help filter the shop air.

Our Sanding Center will adapt lo just about any of the dusl collectors currently on ihe market - as long as the dust collector draws about 600 cubic feet per minute at I in. static pressure. It works pretty simply: When the dusl collector is started, air is drawn through the holes in the Peg-Board top and right into the collection bag. It won't work with shop vacuums as they are not powerful enough to do much good.

Even when using a heavy-duty belt sander. we found very little dust escaping the pull of the Sanding Center.

Sanding Center shown with optional worksurfaee covering the Peg-hoard top. Worksurfaee creates added bench-space when the Center is not used for sanding.

However, il's nol 100 percent efficient, so always wear a dusl mask. And if your sanding tool has a dust bag. il's a good idea lo use il.

The sanding center has iwo large lull-extension pull-out end drawers w ith adjustable shelves. The drawers have a nice feature—they are open on both sides to allow easy access to power sanding tools. The adjustable shelves arc handy, especially since power sanding tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Also, to make it easier to tear sheets of sandpaper, we added an optional sand

Jjnuar\/Februar\ 1944


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