Woodworker's Journal 1994-18-3, страница 52




b\ Robert Hlavacek. Jr.

Bad Puppy

Readers rem 't seem to gel enough of Contributing Editor Boh Hlavacek's fanciful intarsia creations. Although Boh produces a wide range of designs, from lifelike African wildlife to caricatures of our favorite backyard bandits (long-time subscribers wilt recall The Knothole Gang raccoons from our May/June 1992 issue), his most 52

popular work is usually humorous depictions of man's best friend. In this comical pose, a young puppy 's guilt is clearly written all over his mischievous face.

What You'll Need

For ihis project, you'll need Two pieces of Iin. thick hardwood: A 6 in. wide b> 5 in long section for the puppy, and a

21/: in. wide hy 81/? in. lone section fur the slipper. Almost any light-colored, even-grained hardwood will do. hut birch or husswood are probably your best choices.

In addition to the hardwood you'll need a little '/4 in. plywood for the backing board and the paw and nose shims, and a scrap of in. plywood for The WiKujwtHi.crs Journal