Woodworker's Journal 2008-32-2, страница 47


It's All in the Details

Simple yet elegant may be an overused phrase in this Ikea-world of minimalist design, but in the case,_ of this sideboard, I think it is an understatement.^/-'

Frank Grant is a professional woodworker and frequent contributor to Woodworker's Journal.

This table is very simply made, yet is quite pleasing to look at. The dark legs are shapely and lead your eye up to the tabletop. The top floats above the leg set on cross-members that are de-emphasized by color and placement. The tabletop is formed from a single piece of lumber. Its grain pattern and coloration are remarkable. Those characteristics are brought forward through the use of tung oil and beeswax, providing depth and warmth without a highly reflective sheen.

Planing a top with such wild figure could lead to problems. The author turned to his drum sander to avoid tearout on his stock.

then cut it to final dimensions on the table saw. The curved ends were template-routed and shaped in the same manner as the legs.

Stepping to the horizontal drum sander, I began the process of smoothing the tabletop. With grain as wild as we found in this board, I recommend a drum sander rather than a planer — simply to avoid tearout.

The sanding process continued with a random-orbit sander and was completed by a sanding block with a cork backing. It was a long, slow process, but working with wood this beautiful is its own reward.

Finishing Up

With the leg set and the top sanded, it was time to apply the finish. On the ash legs and rails, I used an ebony-colored oil stain. Once it was dry, I applied two coats of polyurethane. For the tabletop, I used two coats of tung oil, flooded on liberally and then polished off. I followed that with three hand-rubbed beeswax applications. When I was done, the wood glowed with warmth and color.

Next, I installed the tabletop using three pocket-hole joints on each of the end and center rails. I drilled the outer two joint holes double wide, to accommodate wood movement in this solid top.

20CT dust collectors :om bags.


The Measure of Precision