Вокруг света 1994-06, страница 34

Вокруг света 1994-06, страница 34

дело - бизнэс короткий -шоот полночь - миднайт

должны будут подняться -шуд райз входящий -

куминг ударил - струк

должны были (будут) делать? - шуд дуу?

не должен был останавливаться - шуд нот стэй свободный - фрии комната -рум

ухо - иа

полностью - фули

побеждающий - оувэпау-эринг

стоящий - стандинг

(данный) час - клок могу, -шь,.. (разрешено) -мэй спать - (ту) слиип

правитель - 1увэнэ показывая - шоуинг обнимать - (ту) эмбрэйс

высадиться - (ту) ланд

не могу, не мог - майт нот падая - фоолинг

еда (буквально: «подкрепле-ние«) рэфрэшмэнт

надевая - дрэсинг вынужден/ы - ниид

должны с/делать - хав ту мэйк оставление,

оставить - лиивинг удержание, у/держать - хоулдинг

привод - привести - лиидинг

должны привес/з/ти - хав ту ли ид

I did not think it was right for us to go with seamen of the ship. Indeed, they had made their business very well, in the shortest time.

They came to the ship about midnight. As soon as they had come, the captain said to Alan to call them and to tell them they had brought the men and the boat and they should rise and go on the board. The captain and the mate, coming first with their arms, struck главных зачинщиков мятежа, killed them. Then they with men took the rest «thieves».

When this was done, what should they do? At once, the captain ordered the mate to come в капитанскую каюту. The captain should not stay, see, wait and leave «thieves» free and alive. They had come into the room, where the new captain lay, and shot him through the head. The bullet, coming at his mouth, came out again behind one of his ears so that he never spoke a word. Then the ship was taken fully, without any more lives lost.

As soon as the ship was so taken, the overpowering captain ordered to fire with seven guns, which I, standing on the hill and waiting that, was very glad to hear, though near two of the clock in the morning.

At last I thought that I may rest in my house and I may sleep very well, before I was something suiprised with the noise of a gun. I heard a man called me by the name of «Governor, Governor», and just I knew the captain's voice. Showing to the ship, he came to me and embraced me. «My best friend», he said, «there is your ship, for she is all yours, and so are we all». Indeed, the ship lay in a kilometre of the shore, near the place, where I had first landed. Suddenly, I understood that I might not answer him one word, I might not stand, I might not say. Falling, I got in his hands.

But soon I got good again. After we had talked some time, the captain told me he had brought me some little refreshment, by the way, Madeira wine. Also, he had brought excellent clothes and dressed me from head to foot.

It was a very good and beautiful clothes, but, dressing it, I found it so uncomfortable and bad as if you, gentlemen, need dress a savages' clothes!

After these things were made, we began to consider what we have to make with the prisoners. I told him that leaving them upon the island is my opinion. Holding them here would be the best word of Governor. «I should be very glad of that», the captain said,

I ordered about leading prisoners to me. I had come there, dressed in my new «Governor» clothes, and the captain with me. I told prisoners the captain and I have to lead them to England and there they will be hung. However, I have
