Creative Woodworks & crafts 1999-11, страница 31

Creative Woodworks & crafts 1999-11, страница 31

thank :-Greg«£ aif<S

The Portland Head light, located in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, is the most photographed lighthouse in the world.

The Au Sable lighthouse, located in Grand Marais, Michigan, was built in 1874 to illuminate a treacherous 80 mile stretch that had become known as "Graveyard Coast",



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Located on Lake Superior in Grand Marals;;: Michigan, the An Sable lighthouse illuminates a treacherous 80 mile stretch that became kiioM the "Graveyard Coast" in the 1800's.

As early as 1822, Au Sable point was reeog- -nized as a ha/.ard to Lake. Superior mariners, point is actually a shallow tosf of sandstone off : the Jacobsvilie Formation wfuch extend'; nearly a mite into Lake Superior. This reef, which in. places lies only six feet under the; surface of Lake Superior, was one of the greatest dangers ajcap- , tain faccd when coasting the^soiith shore.

The area was also notorious Tor its thickfog causcd by the interaction of eOdlTake air with warmer air rising from nearby Grand Sable Dunes. The resulting fog cojikl completely obscure the shoreline, hiding the landmarks that lake captains of the 1800's used foi'.fiavigation.

By the early 1870's, following seS-'bral wrecks and near-wrecks in the area, mariners and their allies in the press began to urge that a light station be built between Grand Island and Whitefish Point. The Eleventh Lighthouse district agreed, noting in its 1871 annual report that a light at Au Sable was more a necessity than at any other unprotected location in the district.

In 1872, congress acted in appropriating $40,000 for the construction of the Au Sable lighthouse. As was common for the U.S. Lighthouse Service, the tower was not a unique design. Built on the same plan as the 1872 Outer Island Light in the Apostle Islands of Wisconsin, its whitewashed walls and black-trimmed tower made it an easily spotted landmark.

The tower is 86 feet high measured from its base to the rooftop ventilator ball. At its base the walls, are over four feet thick. The tower foundation consists of rubble masonry lying on bedrock 23 feet, below the surface.


Portland Head, located in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, lias long protected Portland (formerly named Falmouth) and the adjacent area. Cape Elizabeth residents1 were deeply committed to American independence from British rule. In 1776, the new IhWd of Cape Elizabeth, posted a guard of eight soldiers at Portland Head to warn citizens of coming British attacks.

The most photographed lighthouse in the world, the Portland Head Light was .first lit on January 10, 1791 with 16 whale oil lamps. Irs tower was raised 20 feet to its current height of 80 feet in 1S65. The Keeper's Quarters building was constructed in 1&9! as a two-siory duplex that was home, to the head and assistant lighthouse keepers and their families until 1989.

: Today, the dwelling serves as home to the Portland Head Light museum and shop.

\>Cre'afi:ye Woodworks & Crafts would like to Ot'.tlje Grand Marais Park •Head Light museum above iri'onijctiipn. | ©rtnatUm on.the scfied:

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The Au Sable lighthouse, located in Grand Marais, Michigan, was built in 1874 to illuminate a treacherous 80 mile stretch that had become known as "Graveyard Coast",