Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-03, страница 101

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2000-03, страница 101

Fig. 3. Start shaping the rooster.

Fig. 2. Bore a hole through the foot and glue a small dowel in the hole.

Fig. 1. Transfer the pattern, saw the wood to shape, and mount it on a piece of scrap wood.

Fig. 6. The small chest feathers are made with tool-specific stop cuts. First, make plunge cuts around the feathers,...

Fig. 4. Make stop cuts around the overlapping elements and remove wood below those edges.

Fig. 5. Shape the eye. Delineate the beak, wattle, comb, and other facial features.

Fig. 0. Shape the tail and wing feathers with concave cuts.

Fig. 7. ...then use the same tool to remove wood below the stop cut.

Fig. 9. Add detail to each feather.

Statement of Ownership Management, and Circulation 1. Publication Title: Creative Woodworks & Crafts 2. Publcation Number: 10566729 3. Filing Date: Octonar 1,1999 4. Issue Frequency : 7 times a year 5. Number of Issues Published Annually: 7 e. Annual Subscription Pilcc: $41.95 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office ori Publication: All American Crafts, 243 Newton-Soarta Road. Newton, Nil' 07860 8. Complete Mailing Address a; Headquarters or General Business Office: All Amefinsri Crafts, 243 Newton Sparta Road. Newton, NJ 07360 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher. Editor, and Managing tdltor: Publisher: Jerry Cohen. 243 Newton-Sparta Read. Newton, NJ 07860 Editorial Director: Robert Beckcr, 243 Newton-Spart Road. Newton, NJ 07860 Editor: George Ahlers, 243 Ncwton-Soarta Road. Newton, NJ 07860 10. Owner: Jerry Cohen, 243 Newton-Sparta Read, Newior, NJ O7H60 George Mavety. 2^3 Newton-Sparta Road, Newton, NJ 07860 Irvine Spielberg, 243 Newton-Sparta Road, Newton, NJ C7860 11. Known Bondholders. Mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding I Percent a' More of Total Bonds, Mortgagees, or Other Securities. None 12. M.'A 13. Publication Title: Creative Woodworks & Crafts U. Issue Date far Circulation Oata Below: September 1999 16. Extent and Nature of Circulation Average No. Cooes Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months (a) Total number o! copics printed {Net press run): 143.081; (b) Paid and/or Requested Circulation (1) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales: 30.634 (2) Daid or Requested maii subscripfons: 29,689; (c) total Paid ard'or Requested Circulation (sum of 15b (1) and 15b (2)): 62,48*5; (ii) Free distribution by Mail (samples, complimentary. anc other free): 6,428: (a) Free distribution outside U"io Mall {Carriers and other moans): 805; {f) Total free distribution {sum of *5d and 150): 7.233; {%) Total distribution (s„m o; 1 Sc and *.5I): 69,727; (h) Copies not distributed (1) Offine use, leftovers. spoiled: 5,192; (2) Returns from news agents: 6E.162; (i) Total {sum of I5g, 15'n (1) and 15h (2»: 143.031; (j) Percert Paid arid,-or Requested Cirnulatkjn: 39.6 Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: (a) Total number of copies printed (Not press run): '21,738; {b) Paid and'or Requested Circulation (I) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales: 33.636; (2) Paid or Requested mail subscriptions: 31.883; (c; To:?.I Paid and.'or Requested Circulation (sum of' bb (1) and 16b (2}): 65,219: (d) Free distribution by Mail (samoes, ooiriplimentaiy. and other free'}: 53; (e) Free distribution outside tne Mail (Carriers and other means): 876; <f> Total liee distributed (sum of :5c and 15e): 932; (g) Total distribution (sum of 15u aid I5f): 66,151; (h.) Copies not distribution (1) Office use. leftovers, spoileii: 4,985: (2) Returns from news agents: 50.602; (i) Total (sum cl I5g. I5h {1} and I5h {2)): 121.738; (j) Percent Paid and'or Requesred Circulation: 98.3 16. Publication o! Statement of Ownership will be printed in the March, 2000 issue of this publication 17.1 certify thst all information furnished or this form is true and complete Gera'/J Cohen. President.