Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-08, страница 51

Creative Woodworks & crafts 2002-08, страница 51

Patterns Located in Full Size Pattern Section No. 2!

designed hy-,Kelly Ahertsbn apd sawn by ty&s Oemaresf

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Make'fhe shsives

The shelves for both the flaming dice and hot rod are all made in the same manner. Referring to the supplies list for each shelf, size the selected stock as indicated. The shelf and front pieces are simply rectangles, so they are now ready for assembly. However, you still need to further shape the shelf brackets. The outer end of each bracket is 1/2" wide while the inner end is 1-1/4"; cut these pieces to shape (see the Plan View Drawings). Thoroughly sand all pieces. Assemble the shelves by gluing the brackets and fronts in place as shown in the Shelf Assembly Drawing.

continued on page 52 ■ Crestii/e 'Woodworks & Craffe August 2D02 • 51

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Make the backers and single wood overlays

Make photocopies of the patterns, saving the originals for reference (and later use). Transfer the backer patterns to the selected stock and saw them to shape. Referring to the Plan View Drawings lay out and cut the dadoes. Bore the 2-3/8"-Dia. holes, which will receive the clock movement, where located on the patterns.

Transfer the patterns for the flame and tire overlays and saw them to shape. Thoroughly sand all pieces.