Creative Woodworks & crafts 2005-06, страница 59owe c great deal of thanks to my good friend, Floyd Hacker, Ifom Ocooch Hardwoods, who supplied me with some of the most beautiful hardwoods that I have ever seen. His prices are great, his selection is amazing, and his sen/ice is excep tional. Also, ihe classical liner for the box was created with a producl called Suede Tex. Ihe liner really adds a lot 1o the box, and I want to thank Jill Goldman, from. DonJer Froducts, For providing me with Ihis fabulous material to "experiment" with. And lastly, ihe teason that this project looks so fabulous and "just begs to be louched" is due to the superb finish painstakingly applied and hand rubbed lo museum-qualify luster by my wife. Karen. continued on we eo i BILL OF MATERIALS Part Description Size in inches cheny or wood of choice