Popular Woodworking 2000-10 № 117, страница 36

Popular Woodworking 2000-10 № 117, страница 36


Cove Moulding

Iuse cove moulding on just about every case piece I build. And because I usually work with curly maple (and because I don't want to go broke) I make my own using my table saw and a length of any wood that has a straight edge.

The basic concept is simple. You pass your work over the blade at an angle, using that long straight length of wood as a fence, and nibble away at the wood until you get a nice, concave profile. Then you cut a couple bevels on the edges and sand for a good long while. Let me be the first one to tell you that this procedure is not a science. The setup is a bit tricky, though after a few attempts you can make a piece of cove moulding without a whole lot of trouble. Also, always make a little extra cove moulding for a project in case you botch a miter.

The cove moulding I made for this article uses 1" stock that is 41//4" wide. Begin by putting a rip blade in your table saw and cutting a long piece of scrap to use as an auxiliary fence. Why a rip blade? The top of the teeth are flat and will give you a smoother cut. Make a photocopy of the drawing on the following page and glue that to the end of a piece of your stock. Now it's time to set your auxiliary fence in place.

Where to Put Your Fence

Most books that discuss this procedure advise you to clamp your fence in front of the blade at an angle. This causes the blade to push your work tight against your fence as you push it through, giving you more control. However, I put my fence behind the blade as you can see in the photos. If you're making cove moulding for the first time, I recommend you put the fence in front of the blade for the first few times. Then, after you have some experience, try it my way, which feels more comfortable to me. Rest assured that either way will work fine.

Place your fence across your saw's table and raise the blade to the height of the finished cut, which is a bit shy of 5/s" in this case. Note how many times you turned the wheel of your saw to get there. The trick here is to adjust the fence until the blade lines up with the arc on the

by Glen Huey

Glen Huey builds custom furniture in his shop in Middletown, Ohio, for Malcolm L. Huey & Sons and is a contributing editor to Popular Woodworking. See his work at www.hueyfurniture.com

You don't need a shaper to make

good-looking cove moulding, just a table saw and a scrap of plywood.