Popular Woodworking 2004-06 № 141, страница 45
Cut a tenon on one end of each runner and notch the other end to fit around the rear leg. Glue the tenon in place and nail it into the rear leg to secure it. With that approach in mind, the obvious place to begin is to create templates that you can use to rout out the four recesses in the front legs. Make the template by bis-cuiting together four pieces of 1/2"-thick plywood to create the proper opening for both the long piece of inlay and the shorter one. The opening must take into account the guide bushing in your router. In the end, you want the recesses that you'll rout to measure /8" x x 1" for the large piece of inlay and 1/8" x 3V4" x 1" for the shorter one. I approach this particular piece of inlay on the legs in two stages. First I rout out the shallow inlay mortises in the legs and fill the entire mortise with a piece of bird's-eye maple. Then, when the glue is dry, I come back and rout out only the edges with the same template. I square up the corners of the new mortise with a chisel and fit the ebony string inlay around the piece of maple. With that complete, mill an 1/8n x 1/4n groove on the sides and front of the case and glue tiger maple inlay into that recess. Before you can work on the drawer's inlay, you should build it and dry-fit it. I cut my dovetails by hand and use half-blind dovetails to join the sides with the front and through-dovetails to join the sides with the back. The bottom is a solid piece of wood that fits in a ty'-wide groove in the sides and front, and slips under the back piece. The bottom panel is "raised" like a door panel to fit in the grooves. Before you assemble the drawer, use your table saw to cut a shal- Glue and nail the drawer guides into place.Then use a biscuit joiner to cut the slots for the wooden clips that will attach the base to the top. Set the cut to begin 1k" down from the top edge. Make a template for cutting the inlay by using "-thick plywood and biscuit joints. Compensate for your router's guide bushing when sizing the template. Mark the edges of the inlay template carefully. Cut the material for each of the front panel inlay areas and glue them in place. size and glue it down. When dry, sand the inlay smooth. popwood.com 43 |