87, страница 15Magnetic Catches FURS! J FASTEN WASHERS TO DRAWER BACK AND ADD MAGNET ,-n---- ASSEMBLY ( _ ] The magnetic catches I used on the hobby chest work great to hold the drawers in place. Each catch consists of a round cup that holds a magnet, and a washer that's attracted to it. I fastened the cup to the back of the case, the washer to the drawer back (right drawings). Installing the washers on the drawer backs is easy. But the tight space inside the case makes aligning the cup and magnet with the washer a challenge. Detail 'b' at right shows the trick I used. The cup screw is inserted in its hole and the magnet placed over it. Then I stuck the magnet to the washer on the back of the drawer and pushed the drawer into its opening. When the point of the screw hits the back of the case, it leaves a dimple. I used an awl to enlarge this dimple and then was able to reach in and screw the cup in place. SCREWDRIVER WASHER AND MAGNET ASSEMBLY THIRP: \ USE DIMPLE TO POSITION MAGNET ON INSIDE CASE BACK (SEE DETAIL V) CASE BACK SECONP: SLIDE DRAWER INTO OPENING TO "DIMPLE" CASE BACK (SEE DETAIL 'b'} MAGNET MAGNET WASHER DRAWER BACK SECTION VIEW Hobby Chest: Installing the Top and bottom of the dog holes and all the edges of the top (Figure la). At this point, you can pop the pieces apart and attach the bottom piece to the case (Figure 2). Finally, all that's left to do is glue the top layer to the bottom layer. Figure 3 shows how you can insert waxed sections of %" dowel into the four corner dog holes to keep the two layers perfectly aligned. Here's a good way to make and install the two-piece plywood top of the hobby chest from page 26. First, I cut the two pieces of l/i plywood for the top to finished size. Then I stuck them together with carpet tape with the edges aligned. Now you can lay out and drill the 3/4"-dia. dog holes, as in Figure 1. Next, after rounding the four corners, I chamfered the top CHAMFER ENDS OF ,7-HOLE ' -T>^CARPET ' TAPE TWO v- LAYERS - TOGETHER BEFORE DRILLING DOG HOLES. NOTE: INSERT DOWELS IN FOUR CORNER DOG HOLES TO ALIGN FOR /sfX GLUE-UP NOTE: wax DOWELS BEFORE INSERTING INTO HOLES / NOTE: SCREWS ARE STAGGERED #3 x 114" Fh WOODSCREWS NOTE: COUNTERSINK SCREWS TO FASTEN LOWER LAYER TO CASE SECTION VIEW 94"-DIA. DOWEL %"-DIA. DOWEL |