Woodworker's Journal 1980-4-5, страница 13


• "The Sharpening Shop"—3 stones—fine, medium and coarse —mounted in revolving carriage. The 2 stones not in use are immersed in oil. Heavy, non-skid base. Cover and pint of oil included.

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• 3-Stone Set. Washita, Soft and Hard Arkansas. In Cedar box.

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. . . But, is that what you really wantr

You'll never know how good a craftsman you can be until you have really sharp tools. Isn't it time you quit struggling with dull or average-sharp tools—and brought each tool to its full potential of sharpness?

• Diamond Hone.

The ultimate stone! Use indefinitely. Coarse grit.

The Fine Tool Shops, inc., 20-28 Backus Ave.. Danbury, CT 06810 Dept. WWKJ Quantity Item Price, Ea.

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Stone size: ll-'/j" x 2-Vi* x V,' $99.99

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__Soft Arkansas Stone, 6' x 2' x 'A' 13.50

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Beginning Woodworker (cont'd)

bevel firmer chisels in sizes of Vi", Vi", V*" and 1". With metal capped plastic handles, these chisels can be used for fairly rough mallet work as well as for final paring. If power equipment is lacking and dadoes, rabbets, etc. will be cut by hand, a few heavy flat firmer chisels with socketed wood handles in sizes Vi", Vi" and 3/«" will prove handy. Bevel edge firmer chisels in sizes 3/s" and Vt" are nice to have for one stroke cutting of dovetails. Later on, you can add a couple of paring chisels for fine work in sizes as needed.

Handling Chisels

In order to use a chisel successfully, the grain of the workpiece must be considered. If a chisel is used against the grain, splits can occur and control of the chisel will be difficult. It helps to think of the grain as a stacked bundle of separate tubes. It then can be seen that a cut against the way they are laid will lift and separate them. Cuts in the direction in which they lay will cut them cleanly without lifting them (Fig. 5A & B). This is cutting with the grain or "downhill." The direction of the grain usually can be determined by examining the stock and certainly by making a careful exploratory cut.

Chisel cuttin&

Down/N [jssction

OF grain suces fibers cleanl/

FIG. 5

Chisel cuts should be directed away from the marked line and into the waste area. When cutting to a marked line, it is important to remember that the cutting bevel acts as a wedge and forces the blade in at an angle away from the direction of cut (Fig. 6A). Therefore always cut away a recess within the waste area, then pare the remaining waste down to the line (Fig. 6B).






Then r*re to hark

In order to remove a lot of wood, use the chisel bevel down. For heavy going