Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-3, страница 28The"By-Line Branding IronGUARANTEED for Toys, Leather, Furniture, etc. NOVA TOOL CO. P.O. Box 29341 Lincoln. NE 68529 O Enclosed is S1.00 (refunded with order) for brochure plus sample brand. Name _ Street _ Ctly _ State_Zip- I__________________ ENLARGE... any plan ox pattern easily!!! Enlarge any plan or pattern easily. Eight squares per inch Proportion Paper. 22x34 sheets with directions, two tor S3.SO, Additional sheets S 1.00 ea. Add S 1.00 postage per order._ Wild Fern Woodcraft, P.O. Box 214 Brightwood, OR 97011 BAND SAW BLADES FINEST INDUSTRIAL QUALITY Carefully Welded To Your Exact Specifications WE GUARANTEE IT! WIDTHS TEETH PSIC&INCH 1M6" 24 and 32 S.09 1/8* thru 3/4" 3 thru 32 $.05 TO FIGURE PRICE: inch Lenplh x Prion Per Inch + SI85 Weld Charge MINIMUM ORDER: $10.00 Add S2.50 tor Shipping and Handling PROMPT DELIVERY SEND PAYMENT WITH ORDER OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION TO: BUCKEYE SAW CO. P.O. BOX 44794, Clntl., OH 45214 $ CREATE AN HEIRLOOM with TOY DESIGNS CATALOG of PATTERNS S TOTMAEERS SUPPLIES Sl.StNU.S. dollars) (T0V DESIGNS. PO. EOS Hln.NEKTON, IA. 5020!, Woodworking Books HUNDREDS of TITLES rratobt*. world* IsrOMt wtoctkm tend tor Ira* Xtt BARK s«rv)ce Co. P.O.Box 637 Trout man. NC 20166 DO-IT-YOURSELF KIT INCLUDES •2 M"-12 Acme threoded rods* 2 tension pins • 4 specially threcced pivot nuts • Eosy to follow instructions lor making and assembling the jaws and handles from your wood. flNIV SQ50 satisfaction UI1LI Q"* CUABAWTEEO To order. tend SB 50 per kit or wnd tor insrrucrion brochure 10: THE ROCKLEDGE CO., INC. k 6o« 56, Dept. J Milwoukee. Wl S3201 J KLAMP-KIT 14* MWIENGTH- fllnfcs offers complete airbrush outfits. air compressors, oil and water traps, air regulators, hose, canned propellent, and more. For more information on our complete line, write for brochure A59-12. Binks Manufacturing Company 9201 W. Belmont Ave.. Franklin Park. IL 60131 BlflKS The Raven airbrush...for photo retouchers, artists, animators, architects, and fine model builders. The Wren airbrush... for hobbyists, background work, auto refinishers, and general industry. A great choice for your first airbrush. Binks il a regFSEcrcd trademark ol Sinks Manufacturing Company The single-action Wron Great airbrushing is for the The Binks birds. The Raven and Wren will do just about anything an artist or craftsperson will want to do. And. do it easier. That's because they're precision engineered for great performance. And because they're made with the finest materials available. (We even made them to be serviced in the field, by you.) They're strong, versatile, and reliable... the only airbrushes you'll ever need. |