Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-3, страница 27


are to be used for decorative or structural purposes.

Instead of cutting a pattern, you may wish to make a window template (Fig. 3). You can then use the window to see the grain and color of the butter-

Fi&. 5


fly stock. Thus unusual grain, figure or color may be selected for decorative work and* flaws can be avoided when the butterflies are used for structural purposes.

Butterflies can go completely through the work but are usually inlaid. When used to firm up a joint or a glued up surface such as a tabletop, or as a decoration, the inlaid piece can be at least % inch thick. To hold across a check in a thick plank, at least one half the thickness of the piank will be needed.

The angle of the "wings" will also be determined by the function of the butterfly. A large angle will generally yield a stronger joint (up to 1:5 slope or about 12 degrees). Narrower angles have a more refined appearance (1:8 slope or about 7 degrees), When both appearance and strength are factors, a slope of 1:6, or about 9 degrees can be used {Fig. 4).



Bt.iTTWFLy WITH I "■ 6> ZijpPE

A flat bottomed mortise or recess is most easily cut with a router and template which will cut all but the corners of the wings. These must be cleaned up with a chisel. If you are making many butterflies, the time spent in making the router template will pay for itself.

Use a V* inch straight router bit and

a 7/16 inch guide bushing Fig 5 A&B). The butterfly shaped cutout in the template should be 3/32 inch larger all around than the butterfly pattern.

This difference accounts for the thickness of the router bushing walls. Be sure to make the template large enough so it can be easily clamped to the work without interfering with the movement of the router.

Once you've routed along the edges of the recess, it's easy to clean out the center area. The template is then removed and intersecting end and side lines are scribed to guide the chisel in cleaning out the wing corners.

The butterfly inlay can be used decoratively, incorporating contrasting woods and interesting figure. It can also be used to hide a defect such as a small knot or worm hole or to hold the seam of a glued up slab from either the bottom or top side. On Monolithic slabs where end checking is always a danger, use a butterfly to prevent further splitting.

If contrasting woods are used, be careful to clean out all the sanding dust. An ebony inset, when sanded flush in an oak surface, will leave black powder in the oak pores. This will mar the appearance if not thoroughly removed.

Few things in life are free and in this case butterflies are no exception. Laying wood cross-grain into the surface will produce expansion problems. If the piece is made from dried timbers, sealed properly and not exposed to extreme conditions, a reasonably well fitting inlay, held with yellow glue will last. But a table left out overnight to collect dew may well pop its inlays. I have repaired one such table. \v\j




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