Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-1, страница 101 own a very fine tool called the Versa-Matic which I purchased some two decades ago. It's a reduction-geared screwdriver which can be operated either hand held or chucked into a drill. It both drives and removes screws, with either the upper or lower hand-held portion permitting the hand to serve as a clutch. At one time, Sears Roebuck sold kits that included bits for the Versa-Matic. For several years, I've attempted — without success— to find replacement bits for this tool. Any lead would be appreciated. Homer A. Walkup 2501 Ridge Road Drive Alexandria, VA 22302 Recently I acquired a Montgomery-Ward "Power-Kraft" jig saw, model number FD2355A. I'm looking for the operating instructions, parts manual, and service manual for this unit. I would be willing to pay for a copy of these if anyone could help me out. Warren E. Wyrostek 41-16 47th Street Long Island, NY 11104 I would like very much to know where 1 might find a working adjustable dowel cutter which can be used on a 3/b in. or larger drill. The one I've borrowed from a local friend (who doesn't want to sell his) has a name engraved on it: "The A. A. Wood & Sons Co." with no address. I'm told it is no longer being manufactured or offered for sale. It cuts a dowel diameter from V* in. to !'/« in. and up to 2'/i in. in depth. I've never seen one offered in the many tool catalogs I get, nor in any hardware store I've been to. I tried locating the company's address in the Thomas Register to no avail. Clay E. Murray RFD #6 Reidsville, NC 27320 We are interested in forming a woodworking club in the St. Louis area. For more information, contact: Bruce Denslow The Wood and Shop 5605 North Lindbergh Street St. Louis, MO 63042 Tel. (314) 731-2761 IMPORTED GERMAN WOOD CARVING TOOLS 12-PIECE BOXED SET 50 $102 . K 25 Psl»f TOP QUALITY! HIGHLY POLISHED BLADES OF 3'/4 TO 4Vt DEPENDING ON WIDTH & FORM OF TOOL Quality carving demands quality lools. and these crop-forged german steel tools are me finest available in Itie United Slates SEND FOR OUR FREE 24-PAGE CATALOG In it you'll tint) thousands of unusual and tiard-lo-tind chisels, gouges parting imis etc -all hardened and tempered to nolo a keen edge and give a lifetime of service Wrilt lor your copy today LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO SCHOOLS ANO DEALERS FRANK MITTERMEIER, INC. IMFOftTIIIS OF FINI TOOLS SIHCI 143a Depl WJ-1 3577 £ Tremont Avenue NOW! A measure diameters quickly & accurately "Cry-liper pocket caliper This handy device ts light -weight and trulv pxk«-«2ed. The "Crv-lipcT*1 pocket caliper is proLusion-mack in Switzerland frr»m \ density synthetic matenaU. Nearly indev trumblc, the "Crv-bpef" will measure in-•nde or nutMdc diameters up to a Full k IS accurate tn within a ^Zr»d qf am inch. Calibrated in millimeter* also. 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