Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-1, страница 9Save Money on Hard-To-Get Items! Woodworkers' Hardware CLOCK MOVEMENT #Q72 Hands £6.50 Each £29.75 for 5 HANGERS #S23 Crr 100 £4.95 1° ° :o) Brass pi sled LAZY SUSAN BEARING 3-C 4-C "" $1.35 3- 904 6-C 6 $2.25 CANISTER LINER SET #155B !4. 32 64 and UBoi Set or 4 S7.50 BRASS EAGLE #87B £2.95 no $25.00(100 V.i'n pins 2 l:a inch Winpspan CLIPBOARD CLIPS L5a ST66 79C 59' ea (f^ For 100 Nickel plalea BUTT HINGE 0910 I' "1-1 16" < 035 roc $2.95 0928 i ; « li'iMO - 10c $3.95 . Brass plated wilh screws SAW TOOTH HANGER #S59 $5.95 Per loo WOOD WHEELS 1" £2.95 40 1 '/4 " S3.95 (40 ( tVt" £2.95 20 AXLE PEGS #AP1 Sl.SOrao Aula pegs Til our 1 % inch and 1 V| inert wheels only CANDLE CUP #7186 Grass plated 1-3/16" high | Each 494 » For 100 $39 GRID PAPER #GP15 ll" x 17" Streets 1" squares 53.50 /IS sheets Enlarge drawings easily SHAKER PEGS 3 . hardwood Eacti 2BC #SP1 £25.00 Fo, ,00 MUG PEGS 3 hardwood Eacn 28C «MGl £25.00 For 100 SHELF PINS #5170 For 100 £5.95 Piasiic—Ms 1/4" tioie COAT AND HAT HOOK Anlique Brass pialed fm.sh WOOD KNOBS V." 15c £a S3.00 '00 I HV^ 1" 24«6a V^ S 15.00 TOO Hardwood IV." 25eta S 16.00 too 1'/. " 30e Ea 122.00 -too iftCludflS mourning screw USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM! S1.95 Eacti $17.88 12 Very decor alive FBI 2 Catalogs in 1 Fines! garden tools Hand forged. English forks and spades permanently affixed to an unbreakable handle. 100 year guarantee Woodworking tools Traditional Tools, New Tools, Unusual Tools. Many Bargains Over 1500 extraordinary tools Tools that las! Fast, courteous customer service Call For Your Free Catalog Toll Free 800 243 1037 In CT, call 797-0772 The Fine Tool Shops, Inc. PO. Box 1262 Danbury.CT 06810 NAME_ ADDRESS_ CITY. ZIP_ . STATE. .PHONE. - WJ S1.95 Eacti $17.88 12 Very decor alive
□ Send lor catalog SI 00 CREDIT CARDS i>< or Irae with order. WELCOME — □ Minimum order la £15.00. □ Dealer Inqulrlet Irwlled r°u! Droe' - Order Ami Postage M- Postage _ fS-»25 K 75 «■»« ■ TH, - S 50 S3 50 r . , SSI ■ Sioo SJ 50 low Enclosed - Over SIM ss 00 □ Visa 7 Master Charge SIGNATURE _____ CARD NO -__EXPIRATION DATE _ NAME _ □ Send lor catalog SI 00 CREDIT CARDS i>< or Irae with order. WELCOME — □ Minimum order la £15.00. □ Dealer Inqulrlet Irwlled r°u! Droe' - Order Ami Postage M- Postage _ fS-»25 K 75 «■»« ■ TH, - S 50 S3 50 r . , SSI ■ Sioo SJ 50 low Enclosed - Over SIM ss 00 □ Visa 7 Master Charge SIGNATURE _____ CARD NO -__EXPIRATION DATE _ NAME _ ADDRESS _ STATE _ ZIP__PHONE _ City MEISEL HARDWARE SPECIALTIES L 9 0 Bo« 2&S J , Mound, Mmrwsoia 5S364 - (6121 472 5544 A Letters, (Cont'd) I have been looking, without success, for a tool that cuts mortises. It is called a mortising bit or chisel bit and consists of a drill encased in a square chisel blade with all four ends sharpened so that as you drill, it cuts a square hole. Can you tell me where this tool can be purchased? Richard M. Guillan, Clemmons, NC Constantine, 2050 Eastchester Road. Bronx, NY 10461 sells mortising bits in three sizes. The bit inside bores the hole while the chisel blade squares the corners. It must be used with a drill press. It s $36.50for the V* in. bit {part number SMC 14), S39.95 for the /» in. bit <part number SMC38), and $42.75 for the Vi in. bit (part number SMC 12). All sizes have a V» in. shank and 4 in. long chisel blade. Prices do not include shipping. Odds and Ends Editor's Note: Over the past several months,a number of readers have asked if we know of a source of supply for epoxy wood glue. With the help of John Olson who writes our Restoring Antiques column, we've put together a short list that we think will prove helpful. Write for information and prices. Chem-Tech, Inc. Dept. WJ 4669 Lander Road Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Gougeon Brothers, Inc. P.O. Box X908 Dept. WWJ Bay City, Ml 48707 The Wooden Boat Shop 1007N.E. Boat Street Seattle, WA 98105 I need a parts list and owner's manual for a Sears 6 in. thickness planer, model number 103.23700. It was manufactured for Sears by the King-Sealy Corporation. Needless to say, the tool is rather old and Sears no longer can help me. John S. Roundy 2520 Forest Ave. St. Joseph, MO 64506 Address POWER FEED! PLANER/M0LDER JOINTER/SANDER New low-cost power snop makes you money . saves you money1 Outperforms tnem all1 Quickly turns rough lumber into high-value, finished stock Molds all popular patterns any custom design Planes or |oinis wilhoul changeover Quickly converts ip power-feed drum sandef! Comes complete wiih 115 230V motor, stand knives, lull instructions ready to use 30-DAY FREE TRIAL1 Easy terms CALL TOLL-FREE 11800)824-7838. Oper. 642 a 2849 Terrace, Oepl. PSI3 Kansas Cily MO 64106 □ YES! Please rush my FREE Information Kit and details on your 30-Qay Free Tnai Guarantee Name_____ |