Woodworker's Journal 1984-8-3, страница 17


yet, a drill press, as they require a lot of torque to cut, especially in hardwoods, They consist of two main parts: a central arbor with a '/« in, pilot twist drill around which a steel cup with saw teeth is mounted. The twist drill locates the center and the cup saw revolves into the wood removing a disc of waste with a hole in the center where the drill entered.

When using a hole saw, be sure to clamp down the workpiece with a piece of scrap underneath, otherwise it will spin with enough force to cause a nasty injury.

After making circular or curved cuts, it's usually necessary to smooth the edges of the cut down to the marked line. For this work there's a wide variety of tools available, depending on the particular situation and how much waste has to be removed.

When cleaning up circular cutouts, you can use double-cut cabinet Files which are slightly curved on one side, sanding drums chucked into an electric drill, or just sandpaper wrapped around a suitable dowel. Your aim is to smooth the edges of the cut right to the line without splintering or making the curve unfair.

Long outside curves cut with a bow or saber saw can be smoothed down with a spokeshave (Fig. 11). This tool cuts much like a plane with a depth of cut that can be regulated. The blade (which is sharpened like a plane blade or chisel), is usually held by a lever cap which has adjusting screws to raise or lower the blade depending on how thick a shaving you want to take. The tool can be pulled or pushed according to the situation, but more control is achieved by pulling it toward you. W\j


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