Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-3, страница 21der to hide the end grain and add visual interest. These edging strips are sometimes referred to as ' 'breadboard ends." Figs. 8A and B show the two usual methods of fastening that will allow for movement of the top. Even when these methods are used though, the top will probably expand so that its edges are no longer flush with the ends of the strips. There is no way to completely avoid this situation for the simple reason that the length of the strips will always remain fairly constant. It does help to seal both the top and underside of the slab to inhibit the transfer of moisture. This will also aid in keeping the slab flat. Tabletops, because of their width, will exhibit the most obvious changes due to seasonal conditions. If they are restrained by being tightly fastened to a leg-rail assembly, they will either split or pull the leg-rail assembly out of shape. This is the main reason tables get wobbly. Never glue or solidly anchor a top to legs or rails. There are several recommended methods for securing tabletops to frames that will allow for expansion. One method, using offset metal fasteners, is shown in Fig. 9. These fasteners are not usually found in hardware stores but can be obtained from mail order firms dealing in cabinetmakers' supplies. They are usually V* in. wide with a % in. offset. CUT&SJv/E ^'\<JlD£ BV DEfcP FIG. 9 UJITH STEEL fasten) The end rails, which run at a right angle to the grain of the tabletop, are grooved to hold the tongues of the fasteners, which in turn are screwed to the underside of the top. As the top expands in width, the fasteners are free to move along the groove while still holding the top securely to the rails. If 1/16 in. is added to the offset measurement when locating the grooves, the fasteners will pull the top tightly against the rails. Two fasteners at each end are usually sufficient. Secure them to the top with round-head screws. It's best to cut the grooves with the table saw or router before the rails are joined to the legs. However, since the grooves can be stopped short of the rail ends, they can also usually be cut with a router and */s in. straight bit after assembly. « Sceew 4 WA5H£l> •sh^P-MADE T^P PA5T&KIE:R Wooden fasteners can be made from scrap hardwood. Fig. 10 shows the usual dimensions and installation. As an alternative to grooving the rails, you can simply glue slotted blocks to the rails, flush with their tops, and use washers and round-head screws to then secure the top (Fig. 11). BLoetic^J__ BE IXjUSOi (3ail£ But slots must GtCtIT SHtfWi 5LtfTT£D 6LUE. BU5CKS Long tables usually need a center frame rail which may also be fitted with slotted blocks. If it is necessary to fasten the top to the long side rails, the blocks should have their slots running at right angles to the grain direction of the top, exactly as all the other blocks. Woodworkers' Hardware ORDER FORM Qty. —^— Total Birch Mug Peg _^ $ .22/ea._ gTp -' ' ^ Birch Shaker Peg ^ S £ JS/65 STJfS^ea. $ ,25/ea._ Birch 6 (nch _Furniture Spindles s 6 1/2 inch $ .51/ea._ *S4 Galley Spindle Birch S.i7/»a._ Oak iTSifr^as,. S.iO/aa.. *S5 Galley Spindle BlrcnS>+i«j. S.25/ea. _ 3/4" S3.57/C 7/8" Sr^LQ S4.77/C_ 1" S5.00/C_ 11 4" S8.01/C" 11'2" C S11.01/C, - -1 wheels 2" sltrrooic si 6.00/c. yp^"7"' ^ *AP1 Axle Peg _Fit11 21 ____S4"1 7/C_ Wood Cargo OH Drum "SSifti' 10 S2.31 /10_ j-jj 1 ] Milk Can —si.eo/io„ Pickle Barrel fj.-st.j0 $2.31/10_ Screw Hole Buttons 3/8" 5^®a/C S1,74/C_ 1/2" S1.77/C_ □ owe! Pins 3/8"*2' $1,77/C_ Wood 3/4- srra«<o s.9o/io„ Knobs $7.77/C_ J" S^MWjJO S1.40/10I Si^MiP $12.B4/C_ i/4- sTw^j.0 si.so/io_ sirjTftOLC si3.ao/c_ . 1 3/4'l'S^mtjQ S2.20/10_ __A.2.?-7_? .5 -EUaSuB Saw Toolh Hangers _ M—l|-»•[ "JSTa^C S4.17/C. Brass Plt.(gr^~51 Picture Hanger !-• 1; .-I STrOS^C S4.77/C_ Clock Movements w/Hands Q72 Sa. $6.48/«._ Sa^rMiS S29.70/5_ Laity Susan Bearing 3" ~ST?Wt£j»«. S .69/eo._ 4" S 96/ea._ 8" "J^Mj.ea. S1.73/en,_ 13' Jb-AS/.m. S5.37/ea._ -w - Screws Brass Plated Candle Cup iS^&OiiQ $3.00/10 S^^rOtL'C S29.40/cI Brass & Porcelain Hook tiCMit*. S2.97/ea._ S45.-OQ 10 S27.00/10 _ #910 Butt Hinge i|, s10 s.99/10 _ ' #928 Butt Hinge t (Brass PH.) SaTftO-JJ) $1,B8/10_ *F124 Screw for Above r Si^lfltG S2.40/C_ .Qir^ Clipboard Clips 3" 5 .35/en._ a" S^w^a. $ ,59/ea._ Plastic Shelf Pins "S9.-WUC SS.40/C_ ,, Note: C = too I Cslnlag SI.00 or Trflc with order Total Order _ [ | Minimum Order a S25.00 MM Pes- To* . Shipping . Tolal Enclosed . Order Amount . £2 5.00 to $49.93 $50.00 to $99 99 Over Si00.00 Shipping : S3.50 S4.50 SS.00 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! SIGNATURE CARD NO __ Qvisa Waaler Card 5B ADDRESS STATE . CITV- I MEISEL HARDWARE SPECIALTIES P 0. Box 258 J 5. Mound. Minnesota 55364 - <612)472-5544 |