Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-5, страница 41


Most of us enjoy the challenge of a good puzzle, but young children seem to be especially fond of them. Since there arc only four parts, this makes a wonderful first puzzle for toddlers. And because the parts are large, they don't present a choking hazard. Our thanks to The Puzzle People of Colfax. California for providing us with this cute design.

To start, you'll need a piece of l'/2 in. thick stock lhat measures 7'/-t in. wide by 8 in. long. Look for stock that's free from large knots or other defects.

Once the stock is cut. you can transfer the lull-size pattern from the drawing lo ihe stock using tracing or carbon paper. However, if you have access to a photocopy machine, the job can be even easier. Make a cop) of the plan, then use rubber cement or a spray adhesive to bond the copy to the stock.

Use a scroll saw to cut the various parts as shown. If you use a fine-toothed scroll saw blade, the resulting cuts probably won't require any sanding. Bore a in. diameter by '/s in. deep hole for each eve.

Assemble the puzzle and thoroughly sand both sides. If you apply a finish, be sure lo choose one that's non-toxic. For a toy like this, we generally prefer to leave it unfinished. C3j





Scroll Sawn

Bunny Rabbit Puzzle

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