Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-5, страница 43


To find out how to get a free Full-Size Pattern of the brace and back parts, see Shoptalk on page 4 of this issue.

Scplcmber/October 1993

V2 x 8 x15* 1 3/4X3/4X83/J** 1 3A x 1 x 453/* 1 3lt x 21/i x 15Va 1 V? x I3/< x 2V* 2 V? dia. by 2 long 2 9/i6 x 15/a 2

Allows exlra stock, see Fig 1 Length includes tenon.

tf^JJl I/ / keyhole plates can be ordered from Craftsman Wood Service,

\29tW 1735 West Cortland Ct.. Addison, IL 60101-4280: tel.

1-800-543-9367. Order part no. H5598. Make the mortise for each plate by boring a pair of y/if> in. diameter by in. deep holes, spacing them l5/* in. apart as shown in the exploded view. Use a chisel to clean up the material in between. A pair of 7k in. diameter by '/■) in. deep holes provide clearance for the wall mounting screw. Make the two brackets (K) and bore the '/2 in. diameter through hole in each one. Using a pair of 1 'A in. long no. 6 wood screws, secure ihe brackets to the dado grooves cut earlier in the back. With ihe brace, arm and support properly positioned between lite iwo brackets, bore ihe l/l in. diameter by I 'A in. deep holes for the pins (F). Add glue to the holes and lap in llie pins. Final sand all the surfaces through 220-grit. then slain (if desired) and apply a clear finish. To avoid adding unwanted stripes to your quilt, allow any finish to dry thoroughly.