Woodworker's Journal 1993-17-6, страница 41


Photo 12



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Photo 1J

Photo 1J

watch the grain direction carefully during this step. Make the lur trim of the hat using the same technique as for the sleeve cuff. Incise tines with the V-gouge above and below the trim and then use the carving knife lo bevel dow n and round off the top of the hat and the face (Photo 13). Round the sharp angles to make the fur look soft.

/fl Before you begin carving ihe A face, lake a few minutes and make sure your knife is perfectly sharp right lo the lip. This will give you the cleanest cuts when you are carving the small details,

To begin the face, draw a pencil line across it 7* in. below the level of the hat. This is a guide line tor the position of the eyes. Draw a second line '/j in. below the first to mark the bottom of ihe nose. These two lines establish the basic proportions of the face.

Next, w ith the carving knife, carefully cut iwo notches '/« in. deep along the lines you have drawn. Remember, the lines indicate the deepest part of the cut (Photo 14).

"I ^ To make Santa's little round A w nose, incise iwo vertical culs '/-i in. apart, forming the two sides of the nose. Hold the knife in the pencil grip, and carefully make the cuts '/a in. deep (Photo 15).

Plwto 17

1 C* Now. carefully incise a line with A O the V-gouge to separate the face and the beard iPhoto IS).

Next, round off the sharp angles on ihe cheeks and nose lo give Santa's face a plump, cheery, expression.

Photo 15

Photo 18

1 O ^pe C>L'S- hold the knife A ^ in ihe pencil grip and incise a very shallow cut, only '/.i: in. deep, around the outline of the eye (Photo 19).

Photo 14

November/December IW

Photo 16

/I Next, pare away the excess A " wood over ihe checks leaving the nose raised (Photo 16).

1 HT To make the bottom of the A / cheeks look rounded, remove a tinv triangular chip al both sides of the base of the nose. Cut down vertically to form the sides of the chip, then remove it with a small horizontal cut (Phoio 17).

Photo 19