Woodworker's Journal 1994-18-6, страница 41


Winter Sleigh Scene

| I A 1 ant to catch a bit of the scroll-y 1/ saw magic that's captivating so many woodworkers? Here's a handsome plaque that will not only introduce you to the fast-growing world of "3-D" scroll saw patterns but will also leave you with a work of art you'll be proud to display.

The term "3-D," as used by designers Roy King and Scott Kochendorfer, describes the simple technique they've perfected. You cut all the parts from a single piece of thin plywood, then assemble them in layers on a hardwood plaque to create an eye-catching, multilayered pictorial scenc. This layering produces a play of shadow

and depth that, together with the scrollsawn detail, keeps scrollsawyers coming back for more of King and Kochendorfer's 340-plus designs.

Guaranteed Results the First Time

Most scrollsaw work involves the time-consuming and painstaking process of first boring a start hole for each interior cut. then threading the blade through one of the holes, remounting it, and finally making the cutout. After a few dozen holes, this gets to be very tedious work and can take much of the fun out of scrollsawing larger or more intricate projects.

Woodworker s Journal

Novembcr/December 1994 1<1