Popular Woodworking 2009-08 № 177, страница 30From square to round. Use a rasp or file to round the stub into the dowel ends that fit the previously drilled holes. The fit should be tight, but operable. The rails For both assemblies are joined with mortise-and-tenon joints. The center rail ofthe drawer frame actsasadrawer runner and catches the drawer guide. The panels for t he storage bottom are rabbeted on both faces tocreatea centered 'A* tongue that slips into grooves on the inside edge ofthe frame. 1 do this work on my table saw, but a rabbeting bit in your router would just aseasily do the trick Let it slide. Remove the material to allow the till front to slide. Set the blade height to 2" (the 1 /b' secret compartment opening plus the thickness of one till bottom). Guide the cut with your miter gauge, then use a handsaw to complete the task. Cut the mortises in the long rails (three poplar rails and the one walnut rail that's the front rail onthe drawer frame) and make your tenons on the short rails. Don't forget to haunch the tenons used for the storage bottom. Pennsylvania Blanket Chest NO. ITEM DIMENSIONS fINCHESi MATERIAL COMMENTS T W L NO. ITEM DIMENSIONS fINCHESi MATERIAL COMMENTS T W L
Drawer Frame Drawer Frame
* TBE - Tonon botherids; ** TAS - Tongue all sides * TBE - Tonon botherids; ** TAS - Tongue all sides Split into two. The drawer area is divided to create two smaller drawers. The divider is dovetailed in position, but the thickness of the joined areas is only A ". The width of the divider can easily be changed, but make sure the piece is centered so your drawers match. After all millingoperationsare complete, addgluein the mortisesandon thetenonsas you slip the frame and bottom joints together, Noglueonthepanelsinthebottom, though The panels need tomove Ireely with changes in humidity. Till Box Pieces While the box is in clamps, take the appropriate measurements for the pieces that make up the I ill box. Mill the pieces to fit to the routed grooves. The two bottoms extend lo, but do not encroach on, the front groove. Make the fit on these pieces snugso there is little chance that lhe pieces could slide lo open a small gap at lhe front oflhe till. The till front filslighl from top to bottom to disguise the Tact that ii slides upward to expose the secret compartment area. This piece should also be snugbetween the front and back panels, but be able to slide while in place. Supplies Horton Brass 800-754-9127 or horton-brasses.com 4 ■ roselte pulls with oval backplate *RT-5 <2 V2" boring) 5 ■ keyhole escutcheon tfH-66 1 a half-mortise chest lock ifCL-2 Call for pricing. Nathan's Forge 877-848-7903 or nathansforge.com 1 pr. ■ 9" fish tail strap hinges $40 Price correct at time of publication. 36 m Popular Wood working August 2009 |