Woodworker's Journal 1985-9-6, страница 49don't have the sires listed!. For starters, use doubleslick tape to temporarily mount the Lex an plate to a scrap piece of MDF, then using a 72 in. diameter hushing and a V* in. diameter spiral cutter, make a cut around the plate (Step I). You'll now have a template with a cutout that's exactly 7/if> in. larger all around than the Lexan plate, which for our 8 in. by IIin. plate translates into a template cutout measuring 87/s in. by 125/k in.. Next, again using doublestick tape, temporarily fasten the MDF template to the top (see Top View for proper location). Using a I V-t in. diameter bushing with the same 7s in. spiral bit. Novcmbcr/Dceemher 1992 plunge through the top and make the inside cutout (Step 2). The opening that you've cut will be "/16 in. smaller all around than the template opening, which translates into a cutout in the top measuring 7 72 in. wide by 117-4 in. long. Bill ol Materials (all dimensions actual) Bill ol Materials (all dimensions actual)
Orawer 3/*x5V<x15 1 V2X43/4X14V2 1 Vzx5V«x14V« 2 V*x14x14V2 1 Orawer 3/*x5V<x15 1 V2X43/4X14V2 1 Vzx5V«x14V« 2 V*x14x14V2 1 Door 3/4X23/sx27 2 3/4X23/8X11 2 3/i x 107/s x 23'" 1 Base 2 x 2 x 35 2 Hardware X Porcelain Knob 1 dia. 2 Y Butt Hinge Vk%2 2 Z Magnetic Catch as shown 1 Fence Accessory AA Fence 3/4x4x171/- 1 BB Bottom 3/,X2x17V4 1 Miter Gauge Accessory CC Base lfcx 11 x 16**" 1 DO Crosspiece l3/ex Z x 1t 3 * As required *" Lexan rouler mounting plate is available from Eagle America, P.O. Box 1099. Ctiardon. Ohio 44024; tel. 1-800872-2511. Order pari no. 400-1111 lor mounting plate pre-bored with 13/4 in. dia hole (S19 95). or part no 400-1112 ior blank plate ($16 95). Both plates come with mounting instructions and will fit any router (you bore screw mounting holes lo lit your router base). "' Panel widlti is sized Ve in. less than groove-to-groove distance, to allow for wood movement * *' * Bushing groove separating base into two sections is made after miter gauge accessory has been assembled. Finally, switch lo a 174 in. diameter bushing, and using the same 3/s in. spiral bit—set for a i/» in. deep cut (the thickness of the Lexan plate)—establish the rabbet in the top on w hich the Lexan plate will resl (Step 3). As illustrated, the bit will establish a 7-* in. wide by 7» in. deep rabhet. Note that you haven't moved the MDI-" template, which is in the same position as it was in Step 2. As shown, the rabbet-to-rabbet dimensions should be exactly equal to the size of the Lexan plate. A snug fit of the Lexan plate is important if your router table is to be an accurate tool, so it's good to make a few checks as you proceed w iih this step-bv-step. When in doubt, always opt for a slightly undersize rabbet—you can easily sand (he Lexan to fit. hut you'll have a hard time stretching that Lexan plate to fill an oversize opening! If you are afraid that your rabbet may be a little too large, one trick is to switch to a slightly smaller bit in Step 3. For example, using a 5/ih in. diameter bit instead of the 7* in bit will yield an opening that's l/tz in. smaller all around. The Lexan plate can then be sanded to fit. Once the Lexan plate has been fitted, and drilled to fit your router's mounting screws, you can cut and fit the filler blocks (E). These blocks add a little more rigidity to the top. hut their main function is to fill the area behind the banding, thereby making it easy to quickly clamp the fence and featherboards. 49 P Front Q Back R Side S Bottom T Stile U Rail V Panel W Fool |