Woodworker's Journal 1994-18-2, страница 31




Seascape Clock

When we find a project thai marries a great design with a functional piece, it's a combination that's just too good to pass up. This handsome clock, by scroll saw guru Bill Zaun, is an ideal intermediate project for scrollers. The clock can be hung on a wall, or placed on a shelf, mantel, dresser or w herever.

To make the project a little simpler to build, we've asked a kit company—Heritage Building Specialties—to put together a slock kit that includes all the wood you need, thicknessed to the required dimensions (See Kit Source). For woodworkers without a thickness planer, or without easy access to hard-to-find woods like pa-dauk. the stock kit provides material in a ready-to-use form, so you can get right to the fun of woodworking. The stock kit is also an economical alternative, since you gel jusi what you need—no need to buy oversize or thicker material only to see your money disappear in a pile of shavings and sawdust.

The battery -driven quartz movement is available at most hobby shops, but if you can't Find one locally, we've included a mail order-source (see Bill of Materials). If you do use a movement source other than the one listed in the Bill of Materials, be sure to specify a movement with a shaft length to Fit al least a -V4 in. thick dial board.

Make The Case

Once you've obtained your stock, you can get to work on the case. For starters, rip enough 3/4 in. thick by 3 in. wide walnut for the top (A), bottom (B> and the sides (C). Then crosscut these parts




Set sail for scroll saw fun

March/ April 1994