Woodworker's Journal 2008-32-4, страница 28

How to Turn the Write Stuff

By Tim Nyberg

Here's a simple step-by-step guide to perfect pens.


turned my first pen about three years ago when I took the very pen turning class I now teach. I've been hooked on turning ever since. Making pens is a great introduction to basic spindle turning. Turning your own pens results in beautiful, custom, no-two-alike masterpieces that make great gifts, each having their own character and charm. What a great excuse to sneak out to the shop for a little fun.

There are a few specialized pen-turning tools you'll need to get started: check out the Shopping List below. Key among the products is a pen turning mandrel. It is a steel bar with a Morris taper on one end and the other end is threaded holding a knurled nut. The pen blanks are turned on the mandrel. If you buy just the basic pen-specific items and cut your own wooden blanks, you'll spend about $40 to get going. For one-stop shopping, Rockier sells a nice starter package that includes the mandrel and drill bit, CA glue and three pen kits with blanks.

You'll need a few basic shop tools: a handsaw or band saw for cutting the blanks to length, a drill press for drilling the holes in the blanks, a bit of sandpaper and, of course, a lathe for doing the turning. A 3/8" or 1/2" spindle gouge is sufficient to take a pen from roughing to completion.

The pen kits include two brass tubes called barrels, a pen mechanism, a pocket clip and various brass rings used to connect the brass barrels for final assembly.

TIP: Not all kits come with directions or use the same length brass barrels. So, when you're just getting started, stick with one brand of kit to make things easier.

Shopping List

• Pen mandrel with bushings

• Pen blank you cut or buy

• 7mm carbide brad-point carbide drill bit

• 7mm pen kit

• CA (cyanoacrylate) adhesive

• Finishing supplies

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