65 - Our Best Bench Yet, страница 18

65 - Our Best Bench Yet, страница 18


With its solid construction and two vises, there isn't a task this classic workbench can't handle.

A great workbench needs to have a couple important bility. And the knock-down hardware used to assemble

qualities. First, it has to be solidly built. You don't the base allows you "tighten" it due to changes in

want it sliding or moving around as you work. Second, it humidity (or disassemble it if you ever need to move it). has to offer options for clamping a workpiece securely in Vises - But a solid bench isn't of much use if you can't

place. This way, you don't have to worry about the work- hold a workpiece securely. So this bench incorporates a

piece shifting as you rout, sand, or cut. The workbench front vise (see detail 'a' on opposite page) and a unique twin'

shown above meets all these requirements — and more, screw vise (see detail 'b'). Along with the dog holes in the

Solid Construction - It's built with red oak and top, they provide an unlimited number of clamping options,

medium-density fiberboard (MDF) for strength and sta- This just might be the last workbench you'll ever need.
