Woodworker's Journal 1983-7-3, страница 22TURN THESE WITH EASE!! Our new ivoodtummg guide shows you a step-by steo melhocf of turning lovely minialures' Only S2 00 Sahstacnon Guaranteed Mail to: Lynnscott's, 239 Birchwood OH Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario, Canada P6A 6K1 Name: . Address: City: _ State Zip _ Julia T WOODEN 1 cvs PLANS & PARTS RAPID RACER FAST SLfcU. « I.ASi Hi PI11.1 km.iate t£0isk v'h1'' i i-.l1 in yoi'Tt as i >T IN ROAD ERASER A GUOII TLAUIEX FliH SHALL HAMIS HIJAJI GHAtjt»i MAS V'.i LIIUS>: PAHTi RACER & GRADER PLAN 14 JULIA WOODEN TOYS DEPT 2005 1283 AVERY CT. ST lOUIS MO, 63122 rATm.oi; i'vi,r >i Beginning Woodworker (cont'd! slight notch (Fig. 6), This provides a small shoulder to guide the saw blade and by knifing through the surface fibers chipping is minimized. Place the workpiece across bench hooks and start the saw blade at the far corner, bringing it down as you continue the cut along the face. Pivot the blade around the corner nearest you Place the workpiece across bench hooks and start the saw blade at the far corner, bringing it down as you continue the cut along the face. Pivot the blade around the corner nearest you
and cut to the pencil line. Finish the cut by bringing the sawblade back down "the opposite side. Obviously, it's important to hold the sawblade perpendicular to the workpiece when making this cut (Fig. 7). What remains is the miter cut and again it's worthwhile to score a notch along the cutting line to sever the fibers and guide the blade. Use the bench hooks for this cut which is done in pretty much the same manner as described for the shoulder cut (Fig. 8). This completes the cutting of one rail end. The process is repeated for the opposite end. The miter cut on the stile is scribed by laying the previously cut rail tenon on the face side (making sure they meet squarely) and using the tenon as a template to score the line (Fig. 9). Pencil lines are then marked around the stile at a distance equal to the width of the rail. The marking gauge is then used to score the half-lap cutting lines along the end and down both edges to the shoulder lines. Again, make sure to gauge these lines by holding the marking gauge against the face side. The cheek cut is made with the stile inclined in the vise with the inner edge of the stile nearest you. in this case start the blade at the near top corner. Cut diagonally along the end grain a bit and down the front edge to the shoulder line. Then reverse the piece in the vise and saw along the end grain to, but not past, the other corner. Fig. 10 shows the steps in this operation. The miter cut is notched to start the blade as was done with the rail, and with the aid of bench hooks, the cut is made and the triangular waste block removed (Fig. 11), This completes the cutting and the moment of truth is at hand. The joint should fit reasonably well but if you've AS THE CASE untouM^ ... obviously my dear Watson it's a great product. To find out how great try this 12 piece set of most often used drill bits from Morris Wood Tool. Crafted of only the finest carbon tool steel available and packed in a solid mahogany case. Sizes range from Ve" to Vis" for a V drill chuck and from to 1" to fit a W drill chuck. including Morris'WoodTooi. Co ■ Hwy, 11-E. P O. Box 249. Morristown, TN 37814 |